Boycotts are the new tool of pressuring Israel

The debate over film-maker Ken Loach’s pressure on the Melbourne International Film Festival to refuse Israeli government funding continues. The festival’s director expressed his view last week in the Guardian. Today, Loach, his producer and writer respond: When we decided to pull our film Looking for Eric from the Melbourne International Film festival following our…

What Israeli cultural ambassadors now must do

Udi Aloni, an Israeli-American film maker, suggests a code of conduct for Israeli artists: We, as Israeli artists opposed to the occupation, must act according to the following guidelines: 1. Declare everywhere that Israel is an apartheid state, violating international law as far as it concerns the Occupied Territories. 2. Demand the immediate lifting of…

Sri Lanka is not the forgotten war

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies With the support of Amnesty International PRESENT: Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Emergency ”¢ How and why it is being hidden ”¢ And what we can do about it Monday 31 August 2009, 6.30 – 8.30 pm Footbridge Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney Entry by gold coin donation Bruce Haigh…

Twitter is vulnerable everywhere

Although there are signs that Saudi Arabia is ever-so-slowly liberalising, here’s the reality for anybody who speaks out: Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission has recently blocked access to Twitter accounts of two Saudi human rights activists because the authorities didn’t like the human rights angle of theit Twittering.

Taking a moral cue from a real leader for the Middle East

South Africa’s Desmond Tutu has dedicated his life to fighting oppression, including in the Middle East. Currently in Isreal and Palestine with The Elders in an attempt to find a path to peace, he tells Haaretz that he has strong views on Israeli academic Neve Gordon’s call for a boycott against Israel: “I always say…

Netanyahu needs to learn some democracy lessons

The Israeli group Breaking the Silence recently released a report about alleged crimes by IDF officers during the Gaza war. The response from many in Israel was to attack the messenger rather than examining the charges. Benjamin Netanyahu continued this onslaught during his visit to London: “They are breaking their silence about the only democracy…

The crimes of a rogue, Communist state

The trafficking of organs in China receives an unexpected revelation: In a rare admission of the extent to which this takes place, China Daily – citing unnamed experts – said on Wednesday that more than 65% of organ donations come from death row prisoners. China executes more people than any other country. Amnesty International said…

Gaza is a place with humanity

American film-makers Jordan Flaherty and Lily Keber recently visited Gaza and documented the human rights catastrophe there: Gaza Under Siege from Lily Keber on Vimeo. My documentary of Gaza is here.

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