Listen to an Israeli who supports boycotting his own country

Leading Israeli academic and intellectual Neve Gordon, with a history of critical thinking, writes in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times that it’s time to boycott Israel: It is indeed not a simple matter for me as an Israeli citizen to call on foreign governments, regional authorities, international social movements, faith-based organizations, unions and citizens to suspend…

How to kill gays with US support

Human Rights Watch on the lawless and viciously homophobic, “liberated” Iraq: Who rules Iraq? If you ask Baghdad officials or the Obama administration’s proconsuls, they will tell you: a democratically elected Iraqi government, a triumphant product of the “purple revolution” that reflects the will of Iraq’s people. If you ask Mashal, a shopkeeper from Baghdad’s…

The global community needs to do more than issue statements

A lawless nation receives a warning: A UN official on Wednesday urged Israel to stop its “provocative” actions against the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and said these unilateral actions will not be recognized by the international community. “We reiterate our call on Israel to adhere to international law and its…

Growing, steady pressure on apartheid

Yes, progress: Amnesty International has announced today that it will abstain from any involvement in the Leonard Cohen concert in Tel Aviv and will not be party to any fund that benefits from the concert”˜s proceeds. A number of media accounts had reported that Amnesty International was to manage or otherwise partner in a fund…

Another day in the life of Israeli illegality

The International Solidarity Movement has issued the following statement: Tristan Anderson, an American national, was critically injured on March 13 when he was shot with a high velocity tear-gas projectile during an unarmed demonstration against the Wall in the West Bank village of Ni’lin. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has notified the Anderson family’s lawyers…

Killing Gazans isn’t exactly ideal

Fred Abrahams, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch’s Emergencies Program, tells Democracy Now! that Israel must answer serious allegations against its soldiers murdering innocent Palestinians holding white flags during the recent war: Well, the main criticism from the Israeli government of our report is attacking the methodology. And, you know, this is the same methodology…

Life for a Palestinian in the West Bank

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights: The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the harassment and cruel and degrading treatment inflicted upon Palestinian civilians by Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoint throughout the West Bank. PCHR field workers documents three cases of harassment against Palestinian civilians in the first three days of the…

Israel’s slow-moving moral collapse in East Jerusalem

Israel’s determined plan to remove Palestinians from East Jerusalem has been covered extensively on this site. Last night video activist/journalist Joseph Dana attended a peaceful protest against the evictions in the location of the original crime. It’s a typically sensitive and powerful film:

What is happening in Gaza

John Ging, operations director of Gaza’s UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) – a man I met while there and found his passion, determination and objectivity truly inspiring – told Xinhua in late July that, “the ordinary people are continuing to pay a huge humanitarian price for the political failure to find a solution to…

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