Would the world like to do something about Israeli crimes?

The ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem is one of the more revealing tragedies of this conflict. Occurring in the wide open and the world simply expresses outrage. Hollow criticism. The hardest working activists in Israel, Joseph Dana and Mairav Zonszein, film the evicted Palestinians and the hatred that so many Israelis feel for them: More…

Who said Israel wasn’t full of contradictions?

Yossi Sarid in Haaretz: I recently read in the papers about an officer who was promoted to deputy battalion commander in his reserve unit, an exemplary man by all accounts, yet whose subordinates complained: No way will a homosexual be in charge of us, it does not befit men’s men like us. I also recently…

Is settler violence not news?

Another week and more settler violence against Palestinian farmers in the West Bank. The Western media is typically absent from the scene. Activst blogger and journalist Joseph Dana continues his weekly eyewitnesses reports from the ground: 1 August 2009 South West Bank Ta’ayush joined the Christian Peacemaker Team to help accompany children to school near…

Treat them mean

Haaretz reminds us of the intimate connection between apartheid South Africa and Israel: South Africa began developing its nuclear program in 1949. To do so, it used know-how, equipment, technology and reactors used for research and for power that it bought from the United States, Britain, France and Germany. However, in 1976, the Western countries…

The Israeli government ignores allegations by choice

The following statement was released today in Israel: Ten human rights and social change organizations in Israel have publicly declared support for the organization “Breaking the Silence” (Shovrim Shtika). In a letter to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and the Foreign Minister, the organizations protested the Israeli government’s attack on the group, which…

Hating the diversity in Israel

A spontaneous protest took place in the streets of Tel Aviv late last night, after a gunman shot dead two people and wounded at least 15 others in an attack at a central Tel Aviv gay and lesbian centre, before fleeing the scene. Yet another sign of Israel’s growing extremism.

Making the children in Gaza poor

Rami Almeghari, a journalist and academic based in Gaza and somebody with whom I spent time during my recent visit there, writes for the Electronic Intifada about a phenomenon I saw constantly in the streets: children begging, a problem only getting worse the longer the blockade continues: Although the Palestinian Child Law of 2004 forbids…

Stories from Gaza

My following video and article appears on Mondoweiss: The Western view of Gaza is of a desperate and violent place. Terrorism, extremism, Jew-hatred and poverty merge to create a dangerous brew. The Hamas-controlled territory poses a supposedly existential threat to Israel (and Jews everywhere.) But this is only one side of the besieged Strip. And…

Why us Jews do what we do

Joseph Dana and Mairav Zonszein, activists and friends in Jerusalem, are interviewed by Jew School on their incendiary and important video reports on mainstream Israeli attitudes: I never referred to myself as an activist as I feel like it is a bit of a dirty, dismissive word. Don’t get me wrong, Ta’ayush is engaged in…

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