East Timor should not be thanking Australia

The forthcoming Australian film, Balibo, may finally force the general public to acknowledge successive government’s complicity in the attempted genocide of the East Timorese from 1975 onwards: BALIBO Official Film Trailer from Footprint Films on Vimeo.

Neo-conservatism in Europe

A fascinating review of a new French book about French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner. The thesis, simply put, is that the humanitarian interventions pushed by the French elite are essentially the same as American neo-conservatives. Democracy promotion is the tag; military power is the supposed answer: Kouchner has spent the last three decades trying to…

When the political system fails

Solidarity boat trips to Gaza have had a fairly high rate of success in the past. Now it’s time to try again: Activists campaigning for an end to Gaza’s blockade by Israel will sail to the enclave from Cyprus in defiance of the Israeli navy, they said Thursday. Two boats, including one carrying cement and…

Another day in the life of the West Bank

A report on Mondoweiss: Joseph Dana from Ibn Ezra sent us the following: I just shot and edited a video (see below) of what happen today in Safa in the southern West Bank. Ta’ayush went with about thirty Israeli and international peace activists to help the… farmers… of Safa work their land. As soon as we arrived…

The nice, pretty face of Israel

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – a believer in “democracy” – talks about the crisis in Iran: Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Yes, Israel cares deeply about Iranian democracy.

No IDF here

Israel’s beating heart emerges: A new vegan bar opened last week in Tel Aviv that bans Israel Defense Forces soldiers in uniform and boycotts products made in West Bank settlements. The Rogatka – “slingshot” – bar was opened by an “anarchist collective” who once ran the Salon Mazal bar; it is located on Yitzhak Sadeh…

The blood of possible revolution

Murder and mayhem on the streets of Tehran: A wonderfully moving report from the New York Times‘ Roger Cohen on the ground and Robert Fisk. The Islamic Republic appears to be in serious trouble.

Why single out Israel?

Following my letter in last weekend’s Melbourne Sunday Age about the blog The Sensible Jew and parochial and bigoted Zionists, this letter is published today in response: Antony Lowenstein subjects us to his usual wild and vicious diatribe against Israel and adds a call for a “campaign to boycott Israel” (Letters, 14/6). Sadly, one is…

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