Thank God Persians aren’t Arabs

Middle East Reality Check blog makes a clear point about the ways in which the Australian Murdoch press views dead civilians: In Murdoch fish wrapper, if Iranian forces murder 5 or more Iranian protestors, it’s a massacre. If Israeli forces murder 1300 or more Palestinians, it ain’t.

People make revolutions

I wrote before about the dangers of over-playing the significance of the web in Iran. It’s hard not to moved, though, by this Iranian blogger: I will take part in the rally tomorrow. It might become violent. Perhaps I may be one of the people who is meant to die. I am listening to all…

The edges that we can’t see

The latest photos from Iran’s ongoing Green Revolution. Western journalists should remain cautious, however. This isn’t just another lovely expression of resentment by those under a dictatorship. It’s far more complex than that.

Defending the occupation is such fun

Following my essay in yesterday’s Haaretz, Jewish blogger Jewlicious reponds with fury: Oh, Mr. Loewenstein wants my outrage. I, as an American Jew should be outraged. Otherwise, I am a pro-Likud kinda bastard with inhumane and un-Jewish views leading Israel down a horrific alley.

Grapes are clearly a terrorist fruit

So who is really in charge here? The United States has stepped up pressure on Israel regarding the Gaza Strip: Three weeks ago it sent Jerusalem a diplomatic note officially protesting Gaza policy and demanding a more liberal opening of the border crossings to facilitate reconstruction. The Gaza borders could be opened today if the…

The Australian in the action

My friend Austin Mackell, a Sydney-based journalist, was recently in Iran at the height of the political turmoil. Amusingly, he was interviewed by CBS and Fox News…  (the host seems utterly shocked by pretty much everything Mackell has to say):

Why aren’t Jews outraged by Israeli occupation?

My following article appears in leading Israeli daily Haaretz: During this year’s AIPAC conference in Washington, Executive Director Howard Kohr warned the 7,000-plus crowd that the global movement to “delegitimize Israel” was gathering steam. “These voices are laying the predicate for an abandonment,” he said. His sentiments were almost apocalyptic: “The stakes in that battle…

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