Of course you can cease construction

Totally freezing colonies in the West Bank is doable. The political will simply isn’t there: The report in Haaretz on Tuesday whereby the U.S. administration has become convinced that it would be impossible to freeze West Bank settlement construction altogether came as a shock to Israeli peace activists. The activists quickly handed over to the…

Is this really the message Zionists want to get out?

The documentary A Case for Israel looks like a sad case of desperation. Netanyahu, Barak, Glick, Dershowitz, Sharansky. The same voices, no mention of the occupation and demonisation of the Palestinians. This kind of propaganda simply no longer works:

“Send pictures to the nigger in the United States”

Neve Gordon writes in the Nation about the uber-seriousness of the Israeli state towards illegal settlers: Last week, the government sent troops to dismantle two outposts. The television networks were invited to cover the event, and that evening viewers watched how a group of settlers struggled against the most powerful military in the Middle East.…

Jews who don’t accept Israeli apartheid

Independent Jewish Voices Canada has made a monumental decision that deserves global praise: Ottawa – Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) voted to join the growing international campaign in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, at its first Annual General Meeting this past weekend. This decision makes IJV the first…

The EU should listen

A statement the often feckless European Union should notice: On the occasion of the 9th EU-Israel Association Council on June 15 2009, three prominent Israeli human rights organizations call upon the EU to link the upgrade of EU-Israel relations to respect for human rights and the rule of law. In their letter to the EU…

Watch the rage rise

The New York Times has a good feature on the political realities in Iran; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a powerful and shrewd man: Whether his 63 percent victory is truly the will of the people or the result of fraud, it demonstrated that Mr. Ahmadinejad is the shrewd and ruthless front man for a clerical,…

We should support the real democrats

The situation in Iran remains dire, unstable and dangerous. Israel is pleased, of course. Some of the most interesting analysis is on The Washington Note. Here, here and here. Something serious is brewing: Last night in London after appearing on Keith Olbermann’s show, I got an email from a well-connected Iranian who knows many of…

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