Because we can and should

Jews who want to discuss Jews and Israel in a critical way. The debate grows: On Monday, a discussion organized by the Jewish Community Centre for London entitled “Can We Talk about Israel?” illustrates just how much the Diaspora debate on Israel has changed. All the panellists were of the left, all opposed the occupation,…

Yes, we don’t trust your own whitewash

Human Rights Watch demands Israel behave like a civilised nation and allow an international investigation into its actions in Gaza: US President Barack Obama should endorse the comprehensive UN investigation, headed by Justice Richard Goldstone, into violations of international law during the recent Gaza conflict, and should urge Israel, when he meets today with Prime…

Because it’s racist and should be opposed

A typical kind of column in the Boston Globe that blames the Arabs for the Middle East crisis. Why can’t those annoying Arabs just accept the scraps offered by Israel, asks Jeff Jacoby? A great response was posted on the paper’s website: Dear Jeff Jacoby, Your column in today’s Boston Globe defending Israel and titled,…

Will the true realists please stand up?

This week’s meeting between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu has caused a flurry of thoughts, most of which simply rehashed old talking points. Witness the Jewish Forward’s editorial that continues yapping about time running out for the two-state solution and the concepts of a “Jewish state and a democracy.” Perhaps someone should remind the paper…

We can break your balls and nobody cares

Torture in Israel continues. A modern Jewish tradition? Following an item published on 15 May on the NRG website, B’Tselem and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel have called on the chief of staff and the judge advocate general to order a Military Police investigation. The item, “A Blow is Sometimes an Integral Part…

What good little Zionist thugs set out to do

Letters in the Age newspaper over the play Seven Jewish Children continue today: I was in the queue an hour early for the 7 Jewish Children performance and the diverse crowd (Jew and non-Jew) was peaceful until a group of Australian Union of Jewish Students arrived around opening time and positioned themselves, with placards and…

A man for the ages

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Gaza infertility specialist, suffered the death of his three daughters during Israel’s January offensive. His story was heart-breaking and inspiring. A man who had nearly lost it all yet refused to hate. Amazing. Now this: Four months later, far from voicing bitterness over his loss, Abuelaish is trying to turn his…

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