Holding the Israeli flag won’t help

I’ve been writing over the last week about tonight’s performance in Melbourne of the play Seven Jewish Children. I’m hearing reports that the event was beyond packed, with hundreds turned away; a real thirst to hear open debate about the Middle East. More news as it comes to hand. But, Melbourne blogger Benjamin Solah reports…

Yes, Obama is really an Israel hater

As Barack Obama is about to meet Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington – and yet more evidence emerges of ever-expanding West Bank settlements, also known as “natural growth” – arch neo-con Daniel Pipes wants the world to know: Obama himself comes out of the Democratic party’s intensely anti-Zionist left wing. Just a few years back, he…

What the US doesn’t want to see

A letter to Barack Obama from a Palestinian doctor in Galilee: The newly-elected prime minister of…  Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and his foreign minister, Mr. Avigdor Lieberman, plan evict me from my home and to take away my garden. These two persons and their fellow ministers were democratically elected to their positions and will use…

A man utterly opposed to all racism

A new book about Albert Einstein explains his opposition to a Jewish state in the Middle East: In reality, while Einstein was sympathetic to the Zionist cause, he repeatedly warned that a “narrow nationalism” may arise if a Jewish-only state was founded and peaceful co-existence with the Palestinians was not achieved. Instead, Einstein advocated Cultural…

We will isolate you

One more example of how the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel is gathering steam, mostly far away from the mainstream media. The Edinburgh Film Festival, after pressure from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) and film-maker Ken Loach, has decided against accepting money from the Israeli Embassy. Loach’s statement was strong: I’m…

Pick apartheid or freedom, your choice

Palestinian MP Haneen Zoabi tells the Age why a Jewish state is utterly incompatible with democracy: I do not accept Zionism. How could I support a movement that, by design, excludes me? My struggle is for a state that governs for all of its citizens, not one that discriminates against people because they are not…

Seven Palestinian children

The global controversy over the play Seven Jewish Children – played out in Australia as well by a handful of paranoid Jews who see anti-Semitism under their dinner tables – now has a Palestinian brother. Mondoweiss reports: Tell her that Dr. Salman [Abu Sitta, chronicler of erased Palestine] warns the Jewish people: “. . .…

We cannot forget 1948 and we won’t

Palestinian MP Haneen Zoabi (interviewed on Radio National Breakfast on Friday) spoke to ABC Radio PM last night. This took place before a well-attended event at New South Wales Parliament House last night to commemorate 61 years since the Nakba of Palestinian dispossession. Zoabi was the key speaker, in front of parliamentarians and members of…

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