Perhaps they should just kick the Arabs out instead?

How long will we have to wait for the global Zionist community to react with horror to this outrageous suggestion from a ruling Israeli party? Yisrael Beiteinu has proposed a law which will forbid Arabs in Israel from celebrating the annual Nakba day, commemorating the “disaster” (in Arabic Nakba) which befell them when Israel became…

Another failed war on terror hit

The massive crisis in Sri Lanka is starting to get some media traction (and discussion about Western complicity, especially Britain and its arms sales). Too many journalists and nations still regard the onslaught against the Tamils as part of the “war on terror“. Big mistake. John Pilger tackles the subject calmly and offers a necessary…

Why can’t we keep on building settlements, asked the child?

Interesting notes from Israel’s Maariv newspaper on the reception in Europe to Israel’s thug-in-chief Avigdor Lieberman: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman arrived yesterday in London for a series of political meetings. He is to meet today with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. In his previous round of meetings in Europe, the Israeli foreign minister tried to…

That familiar apartheid ring

There’s another great letter in today’s Australian newspaper in response to yesterday’s smear of Israel critics: I don’t think the blame for identifiying Israel as an apartheid state can be laid exclusively at the door of the Australian “hard-left” It is only seven years since Michael Ben-Yair, a former Israeli attorney-general, wrote: “In effect, we…

Time to welcome open debate

Following yesterday’s article in the Australian newspaper by two supposed leftist academics praising Israel, my following letter appears in the paper today: Israel recent war against the Gazan people has caused many people around the world, including Jews, to reassess their support for Israel. With countless men, women and children murdered and the illegal use…

When unions back oppression

The following message was sent to the Trade Union Action Committee of the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign: An interesting notice appears on the website of The under the title “New labour movement is ”˜pro-peace’” (30 April 2009). The article states that: “A new international trades union movement committed to work for peace between Israel…

Another day, another own goal by the Zionist community

Following the story in the Melbourne Age yesterday of news that Jewish Care had cancelled a fund-raising performance by actress Miriam Margolyes due to her involvement in the play Seven Jewish Children, the paper today publishes the following letters: THOSE people who did not have a chance to hear Miriam Margolyes on Monday missed a…

What we do is right because we say so

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald celebrates the release in Iran of journalist Roxana Saberi but highlights the American media’s blindness in the face of Washington’s even more extreme treatment of reporters: Many people scoff at the notion that the American media propagandizes the American citizenry, but here one sees the vivid essence of that process. …  Our…

Obama should stand strong (but will he? Probably not)

The challenges ahead for Barack Obama as he prepares for his speech in Egypt in early June are many. Will he honestly tackle Israel/Palestine? US-backed dictatorships in the Middle East? Human rights? The New York Times reviews: Even before the issue of human rights is raised, though, Egyptian leaders and activists will be looking for…

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