IAJV May newsletter

The following email was sent out yesterday to Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) signatories: Dear friends, We would like to inform you of the following events: – Haneen Zoabi is the Knesset’s only female Israeli Arab MP and she arrives in Australia this week. She’ll be appearing on many mainstream news outlets and giving talks…

Where the Palestinian state?

The New York Times reports on a worrying development around Jerusalem. While the world talks, Palestine burns: Israel is quietly carrying out a $100 million, multiyear development plan in some of the most significant religious and national heritage sites just outside the walled Old City here as part of an effort to strengthen the status…

This anger can only lead one way

Four Palestinians living in Israel and Palestine discuss the recent Durban II conference. They’re understandably angry. Here’s one, Dr Haidar Eid, from Gaza: Israel is the only state in the ’modern’ world in which citizenship and nationality are two separate, independent concepts. Israel is NOT the state of its citizens, but the state of the…

Starting to take some responsibility

Blogger Richard Silverstein publishes the results of an important study: A new study by Israeli academics from Tel Aviv University and Columbia University’s Teacher’s College finds that Israelis in ever greater numbers are questioning their own modern national creation narrative.…  For example, it has always been a cherished notion that Israel was created in 1948…

What the great and powerful have to say

Medialens, 8 May: But how much proof do we need that the United States conspired with Britain to invade Iraq on utterly false pretexts causing the virtual destruction of an entire nation? What worse crimes have Ahmadinejad and Chavez perpetrated to earn themselves membership of the “awkward squad”? What would it take before Britain and…

Enjoying the torture of others

This is the kind of country that the world should support? A report issued this week by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel indicates that the Shin Bet security services conduct a policy of forcing patients to provide information as a condition of being allowed to leave the Gaza Strip for medical care. According to the human…

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