Take off the kid gloves

It’s really about time that Israel finally acknowledge it has nukes. Of course, the reason the state is so reluctant is explained by Stephen Walt: “Calling attention to Israel’s existing arsenal weakens the case for opposing Iran’s nuclear programs.” After all, Israel isn’t an endangered species. It’s a country, like any other (or should be).…

You bomb, we rebuild

Palestinian and Israeli human rights organisations are calling for an end to international donor complicity in Israeli violations of international law: On 2 March 2009, major international donors convened in Sharm al-Sheikh to collectively respond to the destruction caused by Israel’s 23 day military offensive on the Gaza Strip (the offensive). During the conference, a…

The Palestinian cause understands the Tamil struggle

University of Western Sydney Students for Palestine passed the following motion today in support of Tamil rights: Students for Palestine UWS condemns the genocidal policies of the Sri Lankan government which are a continuation of over six decades of systematic discrimination carried out against the Tamil population. The drive towards genocide of the Tamils has…

Could the UN please grow some balls?

So who will hold Israel to account? One day, companies and individuals that were complicit in these atrocities will face a court of law. Believe it. The Guardian reports: A United Nations inquiry today accused the Israeli military of “negligence or recklessness” in its conduct of the January war in Gaza and said the organisation…

Using Nazism as a Zionist example

Just one of the great minds of the ruling class in 2009 Israel, revealed by Le Monde Diplomatique: David Rotem’s leitmotif is allegiance to the state, but he never spells it out. So much so that, before leaving, we put it to him: “Imagine yourself in Nazi Germany. Where would your loyalty lie?” “To the…

A criminal country defends itself

Britain’s Channel 4 obtains footage of abuses in Sri Lankan government-run camps near the war zone in the country’s north-east. If you thought the Israelis were bad at defending their excesses and crimes, take a look at the Sri Lankans:

From Washington to Tel Aviv the torture train goes on

I wrote last week about the New York Times believing bogus Israeli claims that the Jewish state no longer tortured. A new blogger on the American Torture website – the book is written by a friend of mine, Mike Otterman – further explains the issue: Before 1999, Israeli laws regarding interrogation were informed by a…

Take me to your Zionist paradise

Why, asks this poor Jewish reader in the Australian Jewish News this week, is the Melbourne Age so riddled with anti-Semitism and Israel-hatred? And the Jewish establishment wonders why they’re often viewed as paranoid, insecure and seemingly desperate to live in a country where Israel is viewed as the utopia that it clearly is: Hardly…

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