Finding reasons to stop statehood

Palestinians don’t have a state. Why? There is a deeper structural and philosophical reason why the Palestinians remain stateless—a reason more profound than the political narrative would indicate. It is best explained by associate Johns Hopkins professor Jakub Grygiel, in his brilliant essay, “The Power of Statelessness: the Withering Appeal of Governing” (Policy Review April/May…

What, bashing Arabs isn’t decent behaviour?

Michael Brull, a blogger with Independent Australian Jewish Voices, continues his increasingly public and necessary battles with Zionist apologists. First up, former head of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, David Knoll, who has a piece in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, showing his supposed concern about racism. Except, as Brull notes: Look Mr Knoll. You…

What on earth have we become?

Yet another case of Zionist fanaticism on show at the Durban II conference (thanks to actor Jon Voight, father of Angelina Jolie). Over to you Muzzlewatch: He started off…  his talk at the anti-semitism Dershowitz hate-fest panel with an ode to the Jews. He’s cultish in his fetishization of the Jews. He kicked off…  with…

When independence is needed

The following statement is released today by B’Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights, Gisha, Adalah,The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Yesh Din, Hamoked, The Public Committee Against Torture, Bimkom and Rabbis for Human Rights: Results of Israeli military investigations published today of alleged violations in Gaza are very problematic – the only way to truly…

This is the face Jews want to show to the world?

A true human rights defender who has spent a lifetime fighting repression: South African Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu compared conditions in Palestine to those of South Africa under apartheid, and called on Israelis to try and change them, while speaking in Boston Saturday at historic Old South Church. “We hope the occupation of the Palestinian…

Slavery is the key

A real reason that many Western nations, including the US and Australia, backed out of Durban II? Ijm Dike of the Urban Justice Center’s Human Rights Project, the driving force behind much of the US delegation, has an entirely different frame on what’s really going on here- why the US and other states backed out…

The forgotten people of Gaza

Physicians for Human Rights in Israel release a statement about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza: The army must accept patients’ referral applications and facilitate their exit from Gaza to receive medical treatment: -… … … … … … …  10 patients from the Gaza Strip have died since the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian coordination mechanism -… … … … … … …  Israel refuses to deal…

Divide, conquer and rule

Amira Hass, of Haaretz, writes on Bitterlemons about the profound separation between West Bank and Gaza and Israel’s effective plan to make a unified Palestinian entity virtually impossible: The total separation of the Gaza Strip from the West Bank is one of the greatest achievements of Israeli politics, whose overarching objective is to prevent a…

When being Jewish and gay is a problem

I spend an awful lot of time on this site criticising Israel, so here’s some rare good news that deserves praise: info about an Israeli film regarding gay life in the Orthodox community: When Chaim Elbaum stood up to field questions last night, he said that Kehilat Yedidya, is the first Israeli Orthodox community to…

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