You bomb and you pay a price

As somebody who now openly supports the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaign against Israel, this recent news somehow slipped under the radar: Pro-Israel groups have attacked [British super-market] Tesco for setting up a customer helpline for those considering boycotting Israeli goods. Tesco says it provided the service in expectation of calls questioning its stocking…

Keeping them locked up

So much for the Israeli government’s plan of “economic peace” for the Palestinians: Israel defines around 1.6 million dunams (some 4 million acres) in the West Bank as state lands and does not allow the Palestinians to develop them. Hundreds of thousands of dunams in the West Bank have been declared “closed military zones” or…

We shouldn’t be grieving for the death of newspapers

My following article appears today in Online Opinion: As a journalist who spends the vast majority of my life online, the seemingly never-ending debates about the future of the media and newspapers can be exhausting and predictable. The same mantras are heard over and over again. Where will the news come from when newsprint dies?…

Trying to silence Palestinians

The following statement was just released by The Freedom Theatre in the occupied Palestinian lands: On the morning of April 15, 2009, an unknown individual set fire to The Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp, Occupied Palestine. The main door of the theatre was completely burned, but the fire did not spread inside the building…

Who will face trial over this?

Western state terrorism of the most brutal kind: Air strikes and artillery barrages have taken a heavy toll among the most vulnerable of the Iraqi people, with children and women forming a disproportionate number of the dead. Analysis carried out for the research group Iraq Body Count (IBC) found that 39 per cent of those…

What me worry, this money is sweet

War criminal Tony Blair, here in the West Bank, telling the Palestinians that they should get used to permanent occupation because he has no clue (or credibility) how to truly do anything to change their situation.

It’s time for Jews to answer serious questions

The attempt by supporters of Israel to smear anybody with the anti-Semitic brush will only increase as the Jewish state takes its place in the gallery of rogue nations. Take the London Independent columnist Howard Jacobson, who wrote in his paper in February that much criticism of Israel during the Gaza war was, you guessed…

This is what we’re paying for

Months after the Gaza war, the people there are still struggling to regain dignity. Fafo, founded by the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions in 1982, has released a devastating report: The Gaza Strip is characterized by widespread physical damages, but six weeks after Israel’s attack ended, renovation of houses in need of repair had barely…

And we wonder why the Jewish community is so sick

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: Unhelpful to whom? Jeff Halper, (AJN 03/04), the recent visitor from Israel to our shores, seems to judge Diaspora Jewry’s relations towards Israel according to his own views of his country. A quick lesson in our Diaspora-Israel (not Israel-Diaspora) relations before his visit would have…

It’s clear where the worry lies

The Israeli President must think the world is stupid: Sooner or later, the world will discover that Iran has the aspiration to take over the Middle East and that it posses colonial ambitions. Left unsaid, of course, is the American role in colonising most of the Middle East and backing dictatorships (all backed by the…

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