Anti-Semitism is irrelevant

The following letter appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Greg Sheridan (“Israeli leaders mislabelled by foes”, Opinion, 9/4) complains that Israeli politicians such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman are misleadingly labelled as “hardline right-wing” but then has the gall to smear all opposition to Israel with the slur of being “heirs to ancient anti-Semitism”. It’s…

Imagining true independence

Jerusalem Post neo-con columnist Caroline Glick, in a piece titled, “Surviving in a post-American world“, is forced to consider the Jewish state without Washington’s 110% backing (though I think she’s seriously exaggerating the chances of Obama hanging Israel out to dry): …If Obama’s assertions that Israel must support the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state,…

This is what the Jewish state faces forever?

Thomas Ricks writes the following on his Foreign Policy blog. Bleak beyond belief: Ariel Siegelman, an Israeli specialist in counterterrorism, offers the best explanation I’ve seen so far for what Israel was trying to do in the Gaza attack: For almost three years [after the 2006 Lebanon war], there were no illusions; we knew that…

Triggering a necessary clash

The Israel Lobby co-author Stephen Walt has a few helpful tips for the Obama administration in pressuring Israel to improve its behaviour. Such as: In the past, the United States has often pressed other states to upgrade their own ties with Israel.…  If pressure is needed, however, the United States could try a different tack.… …

They will fight us as long as we stay

New American special representative for Pakistan/Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, talks to the Wall Street Journal: Some people say to me, particularly after a few drinks, ‘Why don’t we go in there with our troops and just clean it up?’” he says. “First of all we can’t without their permission, and that would not be a good…

Attacked and applauded for stance on Israel, Halper is a lightning rod

Following yesterday’s publication in the Sydney Morning Herald of Israeli peace activist Jeff Halper, today’s paper has the following letters: Jeff Halper has disclosed another example of the campaign by influential Jewish leaders to stifle any open debate on the Israel-Palestine problem (“Diaspora Jewry needs to let go of idealised Israel”, April 10). His treatment…

Why the Jewish state cannot survive in the long run

Israeli novelist David Grossman tells British writer David Hare why the Jewish state behaves as it does: When a people have suffered as much as we have it’s not a bad feeling to be masters for once. And we became addicted to that feeling, like a narcotic. Now we have terrible trouble imagining any other…

Failure is no longer an option

The New York Times is known to often accurately reflect American foreign policy intentions. Hence, as the Obama administration has privately acknowledged the impending clash with the new, extremist Israeli government, the Times publishes a piece by a “progressive” Israeli lobbyist, J Street’s Jeremy Ben Ami, and puts the Zionist fanatics on notice (are the…

History has a way of turning quickly

Apartheid victims who accused carmakers and IBM of helping the government of Israel engage in violent repression to enforce racial segregation in the 1970s and 1980s can go to trial with their claims, a judge ruled yesterday. Actually, the story is a little different (related to South Africa, not Israel) but one day soon companies…

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