Moving them out slowly

Yet another virtually silent effect of Israeli occupation policies: Obstacles to Israel’s Arab minority (Palestinian citizens of Israel) participating in higher education have resulted in a record number of Arab students taking up places at universities in neighboring Jordan, a new report reveals. Figures compiled by Dirasat, a Nazareth-based organization monitoring education issues, show 5,400…

The Zionist lobby fails, Jewish voices are heard

Following my publication on March 31 of Israel peace activist Jeff Halper’s reflection on Australia’s myopic Jewish community, today’s Sydney Morning Herald publishes a version of this article titled, “Diaspora Jewry needs to let go of idealised Israel.” The Zionist lobby will not be pleased.

When history should be remembered

An eminently sensible editorial from Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper this week: The drama that unfolded during the demolition of a Palestinian house in East Jerusalem on Tuesday aptly illustrates the futility of Israel’s renewed policy of destroying the family homes of Palestinian attackers. The Israeli supreme court had ordered police to tear down part of…

A Jew that makes us proud

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass from Haaretz, writes in a diary released by an Italian publisher: Freedom of movement is a right that is denied to Palestinians not only since this Intifada but since 1991. Movements are only allowed with an Israeli permit. Even if I live in a Palestinian city, I’m an…

Come on, join the right side of history

This is something one doesn’t see every day. The former editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg, writes what Jews should be acknowledging this Passover: The bitter truth — hard as it may be to write, horrible as it is to admit — is that the occupation has brutalised us, corrupted our children and…

This dream is long gone

Yes, but how? A new poll released by Tel Aviv University shows continued support for the peace process. … 56% of Jews and 78% of Arabs favor continued efforts towards the two-state solution. Both groups support creating two states over continuing the current situation or creating a binational state.…  54% of Jews and 59% of Arabs…

Yes, destruction is a Jewish trait

This is the man, Danny Zamir, who was instrumental in IDF soliders coming forward to share their horrific stories over Gaza. And then he writes this offensive drivel in the Jerusalem Post: The guiding principle that directs IDF combat soldiers, both in their planning and conduct in combat, encompasses a balance between two needs: to…

Anybody but the Palestinians

Mahmood Mamdani is currently Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Columbia University and author of the new book, Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror. He tells the Boston Globe about the real agenda behind the global Save Darfur campaign: In a context where African tragedies seem never to be noticed, I…

We have no idea what is going on there

Philip Rizk, 27, is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been reporting from Gaza since 2005 and was taken by Egyptian security forces after a pro-Palestinian rally in Cairo on February 6. He was released a few days later without being charged. While in Gaza, he filmed The Palestinian Life, a documentary highlighting non-violent…

Tamils block Sydney street in protest

This afternoon I attended a rally in Sydney city to protest the Sri Lankan government’s brutal campaign against the Tamil people (my photos here). Like the struggle for Palestine, many Western government ignore the plight of groups not deemed important to Western interests. Terrorism is often the reason given for not offering support but, in…

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