The empire goes on

Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now! talking about the US expansion of the Afghan occupation, the uses of NATO, and what Obama should do in Israel-Palestine:

War crimes will do that to a country

“Want to know what the world really thinks about us,” Itamar Eichner asked in Yediot Acharonoth. He reported on a study of international public opinion on Israel and found that “35% of the world’s people think Israel is aggressive; 24% think that Israel is an arrogant country, and only 27% support us politically.”

Is Nazism alive in the 21st century?

Antony Lerman, The Guardian, April 2: Pat Oliphant, the most widely syndicated political cartoonist in the world, has been fiercely attacked by major American Jewish groups for a cartoon published last week which they say is “hideously antisemitic”. … The ADL and Wiesenthal seem to imply that under no circumstances can you ever suggest that…

Jews are getting the image of being afraid of debate

My following article appears on the leading US blog Mondoweiss: Jeff Halper, Israeli/American peace activist, retired anthropologist and head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), writes in his recent book, An Israeli in Palestine, of the moment he became a “critical Israeli”: “I first became aware of being an ”˜Israeli in Palestine’ on…

Some Jews have less friends

For all its inherent conservatism – belief in a two-state solution etc – the US-based Israel lobby J Street is starting to make political head-way. When fanatical Zionists are upset, you know you’re doing something right. Senior Zionist figures are worried. A sign of progress, indeed: So why J Street? Why all this fury? More…

On anti-Semitism, boycotts, and the case of Hermann Dierkes

An open letter from Jewish peace activists in late March: We are peace activists of Jewish background. Some of us typically identify in this way; others of us do not. But we all object to those who claim to speak for all Jews or who use charges of anti-Semitism to attempt to squelch legitimate dissent.…

How to achieve aims

Nearly 70 percent of Palestinian young adults believe the use of violence to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not very helpful, according to a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) study released Tuesday.

Paying a price for supporting Palestine

The following letter is written by Omar Hassan, the Education Officer of Monash University’s Students Association. I spoke on Wednesday for Palestine Solidarity Week at La Trobe University, Monash University and Melbourne University to packed houses (one blogger’s thoughts here). A number of Zionist students even protested outside my Monash event (though remained remarkably mute…

Hello world, I’m a fascist

Worried about Israel’s extremist foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman? Don’t be, writes ultra-conservative Daniel Pipes. In fact, the facts speak for themselves (courtesy of “progressive” Zionist lobby in the US, J Street):

How many dead babies?

Will any Western country stop selling arms to this criminal state? Revelations that Britain licensed the sale of military equipment to Israel worth …£27 million during the first nine months of last year has brought a call for the UK government to stop arming Israel.

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