All hail the state of Kanaan

Now here’s a solution for the Middle East worth considering: Anti-Semitic behaviour has dropped off sharply since the new state of Kanaan came into being on 14 May 2018, according to a United Nations study. The world’s newest independent country, Kanaan incorporates all of the territory formerly known as Israel, as well as the territories…

The enforcers are weak

Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull writes in New Matilda about the limits of “acceptable” debate on Israel/Palestine in Australia: Desperate to promote Israeli Government policy, the Australian Jewish establishment has resorted to calling all kinds of people anti-Semites — even Jews

Blame to go around

Gisha, the Legal Centre for Freedom of Movement, releases a new report on the Rafah Crossing: A new report on Rafah Crossing and the parties involved in its closure was published today by Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel). The report “Rafah Crossing: Who Holds the Keys?”…

Don’t think Obama doesn’t approve pounding Gaza

The latest Seymour Hersh article in the New Yorker focuses on the possible warming relationship between Syria and the West. But this paragraph stands out: The Obama transition team also helped persuade Israel to end the bombing of Gaza and to withdraw its ground troops before the Inauguration. According to the former senior intelligence official,…

Jewish blindness continues

Jawad Harb is a Palestinian living in Rafah, Gaza, with his wife and six children. Harb has worked with CARE since 2002, managing a program supporting women’s centres in Gaza. It is three months since the first bombs began to fall on Gaza, and I see that this war left much more damaged than just…

The company Israel keeps

With nationalist demagogues rising to power in both India and Israel, Pankaj Mishra examines the parallel histories of violent partition, ethnic cleansing and militant patriotism that have led both countries into a moral wilderness.

They’re only soldiers, after all

The echoes with Germany history are disturbing: Israeli defence officials… have been… accused of “grave ethical failures’”… in testing an experimental anthrax vaccine on hundreds of Israeli soldiers. Several… of 716 soldiers who took part in the experiment in the late 1990s have reportedly developed tumours and suffered infections while others have complained of headaches, dizziness, skin, respiratory and…

The many kinds of Jews

I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the Jewish obsession with Israel. There is an unhealthy ability to defend the worst crimes of the Jewish state simply because many Jews deny they could have happened and then they create an Israel in their minds, a pure state that can really do…

Will Jews raise their voices finally?

The recent J Street survey on American Jews shows a fairly conservative but not neo-conservative worldview. Two-states. More US pressure on both sides. Blah blah blah. Talk is cheap. But Realistic Dove blog has more: But the new J Street survey shows something new, something different, something that has gotten no attention: there is a…

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