Don’t let the criminals escape

Seamus Milne, The Guardian, March 23: Evidence of the scale of Israel‘s war crimes in its January onslaught on Gaza is becoming unanswerable. Clancy Chassay’s three films investigating allegations against Israeli forces in the Gaza strip, released by the Guardian today, include important new accounts of the flagrant breaches of the laws of war that…

Moderate Jews are the majority

J-Street, the relatively new pro-Israel lobby group, releases the results of its new study, revealing yet again that Zionist fundamentalists speak for nobody but themselves: This new poll shows strong continued support among American Jews for assertive American diplomacy in ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as in the Middle East generally. The results demonstrate…

Our voices are rising

Yesterday ABC Radio National featured the following program: As reconstruction efforts begin in Gaza, we hear from six concerned Jews who are openly critical of Israel and its policies in the region. Their views are controversial, ranging from disquiet over perceived injustices perpetrated in their name, to forthright criticisms of Zionism itself. A number of…

We can all play our part

Tony Karon, The National, March 22: In one of her last acts as US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice had Nelson Mandela’s name removed from America’s terrorist watch list. Many Americans were shocked to learn that their favourite former political prisoner had ever been deemed a terrorist. That is because they had forgotten, or were…

How to keep the struggle going

My friend and colleague Mustafa Qadri published an article in the weekend’s LA Times regarding his views on Pakistan and the West’s consistent misunderstanding of the situation there: Despite millions of dollars spent by the State Department on opinion polls in Pakistan, there has been a catastrophic failure to understand the local mind-set. As recently…

Hating is encouraged

A state that now thrives on anti-Arab racism: A research by an Arab human rights group shows a ten-fold increase in Jewish attacks on the Arab population in Israel over the last year. On Saturday, the Mossawa Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens reported the 1000 percent rise in 2008 crime rates compared with 2007, citing…

Killing itself softly

The facts speak for themselves; Israel’s colonial project is endangering its future: A field study conducted by the Applied Research Institute (ARIJ) reported that the Israeli state had significantly increased the illegal construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank with a percentage that reached 173%. ARIJ reported that the number of settlers currently living…

Disregarding Palestinian life is utterly normal

The mask continues to slip from Israel’s “moral” army: An investigation by a group of former Israeli soldiers has uncovered new evidence of the military’s conduct during the assault on Gaza two months ago. According to the group Breaking the Silence, the witness statements of the 15 soldiers who have come forward to describe their…

An army with a dead heart

The true face of Israel’s bombardment in Gaza is revealed by the testimony of the soldiers themselves. Killing innocent civilians, wanton destruction, a hatred of Arabs. These are the actions of a truly democratic state? Aviv: “I am squad commander of a company that is still in training, from the Givati Brigade. We went into…

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