Palestine Solidarity Week

Palestine Solidarity Week is from March 30-April 3 with events across Australia to express support for the Palestinian people. I have been invited by a number of student groups to speak in Melbourne on April 1 (Latrobe University from 12 – 1:30, Monash University from 2:30 to 4 and Melbourne University from 6:30-8). More info…

Scoring an own goal day after day

The following letter was submitted this week to the Sydney Morning Herald but remains unpublished: It seems that we are again witnessing a distortion of facts in Australia when it comes to the Palestine/Israel question.…  I refer to the visit of Israeli Professor Jeff Halper and the refusal of the Australian Jewish News to print…

Don’t write the obituary quite yet

The Israel Lobby co-author, John Mearsheimer, on his argument in the London Review of Books that the Zionist lobby is declining in power: An even more important reason for the lobby to drive Freeman out of his job is the weakness of the case for America’s present policy towards Israel, which makes it imperative to…

Building a new kind of Judaism

My following letter was not published in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: As an Australian Jew, I stand alongside the Palestinians with millions of other Jews around the globe. The tragedy of their situation, inflicted by Israel and the Western powers, requires a simple moral reasoning; Jews are no longer the victim. Judaism is not Zionism.…

The price to be paid

Ronnie Kasrils fought for decades against apartheid in his South African homeland, and with victory served in the governments of Nelson Mandela and later Thabo Mbeki. His latest article is titled, “Who said nearly 50 years ago that Israel was an Apartheid State?” …a colonial racist mentality which rationalised the genocide of the indigenous peoples…

Why times must change

History has a strange way of evolving: The DuMont Media Group in Cologne has become the first newspaper consortium to publish a historical account of its own activities in the Third Reich. The work is a portrait of a dark age for freedom of the press… The Dumont group, whose holdings… include a number of prominent…

Rogue state revealed (again)

The “most moral army in the world” exposed: During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property, say soldiers who fought in the offensive. The soldiers are graduates of the Yitzhak Rabin pre-military preparatory course at Oranim Academic College in Tivon. Some of their statements…

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