How to kill a people silently

The brutal, largely unseen effects, of the occupation: Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have fragmented health services, according to a new study, due to the restrictions imposed upon people by Israeli security forces, poor management, and a growing population. The study is the product of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and includes contributions…

Never moving anywhere

Dear President Obama, I’m a West Bank settler who really believes that God has given us the right to settle illegally on Palestinian land. Please support us.

An offensive stance

The following letter appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Your editorial oversimplifies the reasons the Australian Jewish News rejected the Jeffrey Halper advertisement (“With friends like these ”¦“, March 13). Halper does not just campaign against Israel’s bulldozing houses. He campaigns against the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, as he did on ABC…

Aussie Jewish paper refuses ad for activist’s speech

Global Jewish news service JTA reports: An Australian Jewish newspaper refused an ad for a lecture by an activist opposed to Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes. Robert Magid, the publisher of the Australian Jewish News, would not run an advertisement in this week’s edition for a speaking tour by Jeff Halper, a co-founder of the…

Standing accused of complicity

Showing the Zionist lobby why they’re on the wrong side of history: Dozens of Los Angeles-area Jews, Palestinians and other allies erected a mock checkpoint at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual Valley Fundraiser in protest of AIPAC’s attempt to steer US policy makers to ignore recent Israeli war crimes in Gaza and…

Kill them, any Arabs will do

Gideon Levy, writing in Haaretz, targets Israeli media cheer-leaders of wars against “enemies”: And what of the cheerleaders who sat on the sidelines of this hellish nightmare? Perhaps we should at least hold them accountable? They sat in their television studios and at their newspaper desks. Oh, how the commentators were excited and stirred excitement.…

Killing Jews with toilet paper

Clearly a threat to Israeli society: The United States is protesting to Israel over seemingly random restrictions on deliveries to the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip of harmless goods such as soap and toilet paper, diplomats said Wednesday.

The lobby in focus

First the Sydney Morning Herald argues today that the Zionist lobby is stifling open debate over Israel/Palestine and now the Los Angeles Times follows suit: When John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt wrote about “The Israel Lobby” in 2006, many supporters of Israel were outraged. How, they wanted to know, could anyone say that the United…

With friends like these in Australia

The following editorial appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Israel is a democracy. It contains many political parties with a wide spectrum of views about how to approach the great issue of an eventual Palestinian settlement, as well as many more mundane policies. It has human rights groups which put the Israeli security forces under…

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