A necessary first step

A leading British Jewish intellectual argues that until Jews ditch their profoundly dishonest victim mentality, peace will never come to the Middle East.

Creeping apartheid reality

A confidential EU report accuses the Israeli government of using settlement expansion, house demolitions, discriminatory housing policies and the West Bank barrier as a way of “actively pursuing the illegal annexation” of East Jerusalem.

You can’t keep them silent forever

Life in the repressive lane for a reliable US dictatorship: Egyptian authorities should immediately charge or free Diaa Eddin Gad, a blogger held since February 6, 2009, Human Rights Watch said today. Gad is among a number of bloggers and activists arrested in relation to protest in Egypt since the beginning of the Gaza offensive…

Protest the criminals

MJ Rosenberg of the Israel Policy Forum: This is interesting. Ha’aretz reports that students at Tel Aviv University are protesting the appointment to a lecturer position of an IDF colonel involved in approving strikes against civilians in Gaza. I had wondered what happened to Israel’s usually vigorous anti-war movement which has come out in force…

The opposite of peace now

A Likud “strategic thinker” opines. The message? The Palestinians aren’t “up to” statehood. Stall. Kill for time. Wait. Expand. The Israeli mainstream in 2009.

How to overcome tyranny at home

John Pilger, New Statesman, March 4: Freedoms are being lost in Britain because of the rapid growth of the “national security state”. This form of militarism was imported from the United States by New Labour. Totalitarian in essence, it relies upon fear mongering to entrench the executive with venal legal mechanisms that progressively diminish democracy…

Blocked in every direction

An animator of the celebrated Israeli war film “Waltz with Bashir” has illustrated a new film depicting the life of a fictional boy in the Gaza Strip during the Israeli blockade of the coastal territory. Yoni Goodman’s short film “Closed Zone” runs only a minute and a half and was created for the NGO Gisha,…

Killing them a lesson

All hail the noble Jewish state: Ah, Israel, the holy land, light unto the nations! Barely a month after valiantly killing 1300 Gazans, maiming and wounding thousands more, and leaving the rest for dead in an open-air prison, Israel has stood up for its right to stand up to other people’s rights by forming its…

Learning nothing at all

Amira Hass, Haaretz, March 4: The hundreds of millions of euros that have been donated or pledged to help Gaza, as though it were beset by natural disasters, are overshadowing the trade ties between Europe and Israel. The Western countries concerned about humanitarian aid for the Palestinians also buy from Israel arms and defense knowledge…

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