And it’s just beginning

Who says the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel isn’t starting to bite? Although the Israeli economic media doesn’t concern itself with the moral dimension of the attacks on Gaza, the economic dimension of recent events have created a rising level of concern. In order to demonstrate this trend, here are summaries of four…

Talking is a good start now

On Saturday, February 28th, Palestinian former fighter Bassam Aramin and Israeli former soldier Yaniv Reshef, members of the Jerusalem-based Combatants for Peace (C4P), will launch a U.S. speaking tour to present American audiences and members of Congress with a tangible way to stop the brutality in Israel/Palestine. The movement Combatants for Peace numbers over 600…

Being heard above the noise

Voices of reason remain alive in Iran, despite the ever-tightening repression: The Iranian Writers’ Association has issued a statement protesting repression and persecution against “different groups of the Iranian society” in the recent months. The report, dated February 23, notes that “in the last few months, along with the deterioration of economic and social conditions…

Ruled by fools

Uri Avnery, February 28: Many people around the world believe in the anti-Semitic myth that we Jews are immensely clever and that all our actions prove our diabolical cunning. Therefore, the ascent of Hamas must be the result of a shrewd Zionist conspiracy. The existence of Abbas (and Arafat before him) hinders the Jews from…

What peace really means

While an ever-growing number of Israelis are embracing extremism: A small number of young men soon to be drafted into the IDF from Hesder yeshivot around the country gathered at the Jerusalem Theater on Monday evening to hear speakers from the national-religious camp espouse the virtues of fulfilling “the commandment of war.” The event, the…

The more Jews the better

As co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, I was asked to contribute to this recently released British-collection of dissident Jewish voices, A Time to Speak Out. The latest review of the book appears in The Jewish Quarterly: Most of IJV’s [Independent Jewish Voices] founding statement consists of generalities in favour of human rights, peace and…

Trying to mask the reality

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz: As the war in Gaza raged, Israel Defense Forces reservists apparently thought anything was permissible: It was possible, maybe even necessary, to kill innocents, in the West Bank, too. Under cover of war, they thought, they could also kill a handcuffed Palestinian. It may not receive much international media coverage,…

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