Stop and listen now

Akiva Eldar is one of Israel’s finest commentators and writes for the Haaretz newspaper. He was interviewed on last night’s ABC TV Lateline about Israel’s upcoming elections and the country’s move to the far-right. His conclusions when asked his thoughts about the future? I’m afraid that the next Israeli Government will be under much greater…

Israel faces kangaroo court

Following my article in last Friday’s Australian Financial Review on Israeli war crimes in Gaza (and the Zionist lobby’s response on Tuesday), today’s paper publishes a piece by Robert Goot AM SC, a Sydney barrister and President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry: Before pronouncing a person guilty of a crime, it is customary…

The one state myth?

Following Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi’s recent call in the New York Times for Israelis and Palestinians to share a state, Isratine, Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery responds in the International Herald Tribune: It is always pleasing to hear Muammar Qaddafi coming forward with a new idea. He is the joker in the pack of Middle…

A state of haters

Israel is about to head to the polls and will in all likelihood vote for conservative and far-right wing parties. But three years later after his incapitation, Ariel Sharon’s shadow still looms large over the political landscape. Hating and excluding Arabs has never been so popular.

Where does this remind you of?

Leading Israeli human rights group B’Tselem releases its 2008 annual report and finds a country that behaves less like a democracy and more like an Arab dictatorship: Of the 548 Palestinians Israel is detaining without trial, 42 have been held for over two years, according to figures appearing in B’Tselem’s annual report, published today. Twenty-three…

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali accuses Israel of atrocities

The following story by Natalie O’Brien appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Australia’s most outspoken Muslim leader, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, has compared the Israeli bombing of Gaza to the Holocaust, sparking outrage among Jewish groups. Sheik Hilali, the imam of the nation’s biggest mosque at Lakemba, southwest Sydney, lashed out at the Israeli leaders, branding…

Pick another country

Boycotting Israel will become mainstream soon enough: Pro-Palestinian groups meeting at the World Social Forum that ended Sunday launched a call for a worldwide boycott of Israel and a day of action on March 30. “This is not intended to be an anti-Semitic action. It’s a call against the apartheid that Israel is practising,” said…

Articulating a different kind of Judaism

One of the aims of Independent Australian Jewish Voices is to provide a space for voices that usually get lost in the hardline Zionist rhetoric that passes for mature commentary in our media and communities. We have a new blogger, Naomi Potipa, who comes from a traditional Zionist background but is starting to open her…

Crooks dressed in uniform

While countless international and Israeli human rights group discuss ways to pursue war crimes charges against the Jewish state (and Hamas), one reserve soldier has written to the people of Gaza with a heart-warming tale of love and care: I spent many days in your home. You and your family’s presence was felt in every…

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