The master teaches well

Zionists claim that Israel is a moral state, an inspiration to the world – let’s put aside for a moment the call, made yesterday by Housing and Construction Minister Ze’ev Boim, to assassinate Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh; the actions of a rogue state. The utter destruction in Gaza shows, according to a writer from the…

Some unspoken rules

Medialens, February 4: Consider, for example, that it is an unwritten rule of corporate reporting that very ugly motives cannot be imputed to our government or its leading allies. They may err and blunder, but it is unthinkable that they would kill thousands, or millions, of people because it was in the best interests of…

Time for an awakening

Nasrin Alavi, Open Democracy, February 2: A campaign in mid-2008 in the Islamic Republic of Iran against “bad hijab” – scarves worn in a way that reveal a woman’s hair and thus violate the country’s rigorous public dress-code – saw many women arrested and an even larger number cautioned. At the time a university student…

Bringing it home

A good example of global issues taking root in local communities, such as Melbourne’s suburbs: Moreland Council has publicly condemned the “Israeli massacre in Gaza”. Cr John Kavanagh was the lone voice of dissent against Cr Enver Erdogan’s successful motion to condemn Israel’s actions at last week’s council meeting. Although a ceasefire is now in…

Keep running and running

Our responsibility is to make life as difficult as possible for Israelis suspected in war crimes against the Palestinians. Nowhere should be safe for them. Example one: An Israeli colonel involved in Operation Cast Lead returned to Israel in haste on Friday, fearing arrest on charges of war crimes during a visit to the UK.…

Why can Israel get away with it?

Haaretz, January 4: The forces that entered the Gaza Strip last night represented the largest ground operation in the coastal territory since Israel withdrew in the summer of 2005. Palestinian sources reported massive artillery shelling and air force strikes accompanying the advance of the infantry, armored and combat engineering corps. The ground invasion was preceded…

We have failed and must start again

Daniel Barenboim, musician, conductor and initiator of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, releases a letter (also signed by a host of leading global figures): For the last forty years, history has proven that the Israeli–Palestinian conflict cannot be settled by force. Every effort, every possible means and resource of imagination and reflection should now be…

Decision to boycott Max Brenner products

The following letter was sent today to Australian-based, Israeli chocolate company Max Brenner by a non-Jewish reader of my website: Dear XXX, I reside in Melbourne and have heard from many about your delicious chocolate beverage etc. I finally made a visit to your outlet in Glen Waverley a few years back, but discovered that…

The moral collapse of modern Zionism

Israel is a vibrant democracy that “abides by the rule of law.” So writes pro-war blogger Michael Yon, who was enthralled after hearing Israeli politician and probable next leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem a few days ago. The pro-forma nature of such platitudes is amusing to read, not least this: “If you want to see…

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