Start finding a good lawyer

These criminals will be chased legally around the world for years: Anonymous self-described Israeli human rights activists have set up an Internet site detailing alleged war crimes committed by senior government officials and Israel Defense Forces officers. No known human rights organization is behind the site, whose founders refuse to give their names. The site,…

A positive beginning, but…

The Muslim world takes a step in the right direction towards Palestine: The worst condition in…  the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing…  ceasefire…  declared by Israel after the issuance of the UN resolution,…  has prompted Indonesia to initiate…  a fund raising activity ”˜donation’…  for Palestine. The House of Representatives(DPR)…  along with its Iranian and Syrian…

How to really bring change?

The calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel are growing by the day. But is it the right way forward? Noam Chomsky argued in 2003 that it is not: The academic boycott of Israel is wrong, says linguistics professor and political dissident Noam Chomsky. Academics angered by the failure to resolve the Palestine issue…

Mis-calculation on all sides

The Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram quoted Hamas’ political leader Khaled Meshal on Tuesday as saying his Islamist group was surprised by the force Israel recently used against it in the Gaza Strip. Meshal, who was speaking at an Arab conference on Gaza in the Qatari capital Doha, reportedly told a closed forum that Hamas had believed…

Zionist racism up close

Part 1: A heated confrontation erupted Tuesday morning between an Arab and a right-wing Knesset member before the start of a Supreme Court hearing on an appeal filed by two Arab parties against the decision to bar them from running in the upcoming elections. MK Talab El-Sana (United Arab List-Ta’al) called out towards Yisrael Beiteinu…

The animals from Israel

A family returns to the ruins of Gaza and finds this: He returned yesterday to find the houses ransacked and scarcely habitable, with furnishing and electrical appliances tossed out of the window, gaping holes in the wall made for firing positions, furniture smashed, clothes piled on the floor, pages of family Korans torn out and…

Fighting “terror” with terror

Israel is being accused of using white phosphorus on civilian areas in Gaza. The following photographs come from a normally reliable source and were taken at the UNRWA School in Beit Lahia in Gaza: To get a visual feeling of what it means for a school – sheltering civilians – to be subjected to Israeli…

We have to start somewhere

Can movements like The Swarthmore Campaign end the apartheid in… Israel? The massacre in Gaza has prompted many people to actively boycott Israeli products. The effects of the consumer boycott are already being felt by Israeli farmers who are now complaining that their produce is rotting in warehouses because of canceled orders. And in London, activists…

A Jewish state is wonderful for the Jews

The Israeli government is stepping up efforts to suppress dissent and crush resistance in the streets. Police have been videotaping the demonstrations and subsequently arresting protesters in large numbers. According to Israeli police reports, at least 763 Israeli citizens, the majority of them Palestinian and 244 under 18 years old, have been arrested, imprisoned or…

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