Dirty Wars trailer hits

One of the most remarkable journalists around, Jeremy Scahill, publishes his new book this month, Dirty Wars. There’s also a documentary of the same name (more info here) by Scahill and Rick Rowley. The trailer has just been released:

How denial is central to Zionist narrative

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe writes in The Electronic Intifada: In a regal interview he gave the Israeli press on the eve of the state’s ” Independence Day,”… Shimon Peres, the current president of Israel, said the following: “I remember how it all began. The whole state of Israel is a millimeter of the whole Middle East.…

New poll: 36% of Jewish Israelis back apartheid

Unsurprising but important new poll that reveals the deep racism within Israel (so often ignored in Western media coverage of the country). Mairav Zonszein reports for 972: According to a poll* released Sunday, a majority of Jewish Israelis (57 percent) believe Israel should determine its borders unilaterally according to the current route of the… separation wall,…

Memo to Nestle head; water is a human right

The power of multinationals are often now far stronger than national governments. This is a problem for accountability. It’s a key theme of my forthcoming book on vulture capitalism, Profits of Doom. Here’s a disturbing clip that reminds us why citizens, rational governments and NGOs must keep corporations in check (via Keithpp’s Blog): In a…

UN caving to US/Israeli pressure to deny Israeli torture

Disturbing report, via John Lyons in the Australian, that the UN is apparently shielding Israel from the criticisms and punishment it so richly deserves for torturing and abusing children: It would be difficult to imagine a more bizarre press conference. When UNICEF, the UN children’s fund, recently notified journalists in Jerusalem that it was releasing…

When will the NYT call torture by its rightful name, torture?

Cracking writing by Andrew Sullivan on the gutlessness of the supposed paper of record: There was something almost poignant about a… post yesterday… by former NYT executive editor Bill Keller. It’s his way of explaining why he decided the Times could not use the plain word ”˜torture’ to describe torture – when it was conducted by the…

Israel desperate to stop Israeli Jews marrying non-Jews

Apartheid (via Haaretz): Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet decided unanimously on Sunday to extend the Citizenship Law restricting the “family reunification” of Israeli citizens with certain foreign partners for an additional year. The law denies entry or living permits to partners who are considered a security threat, among them Palestinians from the West Bank and…

Life of an uncharged Yemeni prisoner at Guantanamo Bay

Devastating piece in the New York Times that needs no explanation: GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba One man here weighs just 77 pounds. Another, 98. Last thing I knew, I weighed 132, but that was a month ago. I’ve been on a hunger strike since Feb. 10 and have lost well over 30 pounds. I will not…

Tell Australia to hold Sri Lanka to account

I’m proud to have been asked to sign this important petition and happy it’s been covered in the Colombo Telegraph: Malcolm Fraser, the 22nd Prime Minister of Australia has endorsed the petition for Commonwealth Summit in Australia- Reconsider attending CHOGM 2013 in Sri Lanka launched jointly by Australian Tamil Congress and Sri Lanka campaign for…

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