“We brought a Nakba upon you”

During protests against Israel’s current aggression in Gaza held in Tel Aviv on the 15th November, there was a counter protest which shows vile racism against Muslims and hatred towards Palestinians. This short film is yet more fine work by Israeli journalist David Sheen and reflects a majority perspective in the Zionist state:

Israeli goal in Gaza is “spring cleaning”

Typically astute thoughts and insights from The Magnes Zionist: I don’t know whether Nate Silver gives odds on wars, but the odds of Israel escalating its aggression against Gaza were higher than the odds Silver gave for Obama winning the last election — I mean the odds on election day. It has been clear for…

Discrimination against Arabs part of Israel’s DNA

Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz: The Soho restaurant in Rishon Letzion apparently refused an Israeli couple’s request for a reservation. Landlords deny requests from Arab citizens to rent their apartments. Businesses look for excuses to fob off Israeli applicants who seek employment, and residential communities make sure that only certain Israelis can live there. There is…

Only fools are crying over the fall of David Petraeus

The job of a real journalist is to be skeptical of establishment power. Sadly, many reporters rather love receiving cuddles from officials, generals and leaders. Michael Hastings is against all cuddles! His work has shown consistent distance and his recent book, The Operators, about the failed war in Afghanistan, is vital reading. His latest piece,…

Israel and its biggest refugee detention centre in the world

The Zionist state as a light unto the nations? Here’s the reality by Noam Sheizaf in +972: On Thursday, I traveled to the south with a group of journalists and bloggers to view the construction of new detention facilities around Ketsiot, near the Egyptian border. When completed, the four prisons in the area are meant…

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