Why is the US trying to break Somalia?

Somalia was actually on a road to peace, when the US decided to…  introduce their own brand of chaos to the region.…  They backed Ethiopian warlords to attack the country,… and presto, 300,000 refugees were produced overnight.

US and Ethiopian military intervention in Somalia has hampered international efforts to bring peace to the war-torn country, an independent British report said Wednesday.

“Genuine multilateral concern to support the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia has been hijacked by unilateral actions of other international actors — especially Ethiopia and the United States — following their own foreign policy agendas,” the report from the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank said.

The Islamic Courts that had assumed control… of the country enjoyed overwhelming support… from the population, but when US interests are concerned, the wishes of the people are of no consequence.

Indeed, while warlords and secular governments have come and gone, the Islamic Courts have enjoyed relatively consistent support for over a decade.

Indeed, while warlords and secular governments have come and gone, the Islamic Courts have enjoyed relatively consistent support for over a decade.

What else could this be but another attack on an Islamic country that was not threat to the US or its neighbors?