Anti-semitism rules

Let it never be said that Jew-hatred isn’t alive and well in the Middle East. News that Lebanon has withdrawn from this year’s Eurovision Song Contest because of an Israeli participant.

Daddy’s girls

Jenna and Barbara, daughters of George W. Bush, are known for their frequently illegal partying ways. And now it seems the last laugh is not on them. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer family. Not to be forgotten is Vice President Dick Cheney’s drunk driving issues. In fact, The Smoking Gun has a raft…

Misinformation and damn lies

If you repeat a lie often enough, people truly do believe it. And when an unquestioning media joins the cheer parade, truth will not be the winner. This is the only conclusion to be drawn from a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, taken two years after the Iraq invasion. The two most startling facts are:…

War of aggression

The Iraq war amounted to a “crime of aggression“, the former deputy legal adviser to the UK Foreign Office has said.

Chomsky in Edinburgh

“The Gifford Lectures are held at each of the four ancient Scottish universities. They were established under the will of Adam Lord Gifford, a Senator of the College of Justice, who died in 1887. For over a century, the Gifford Lectures have enabled a distinguished international field of scholars to contribute to the advancement of…

Justice, then some reformed Zionism

Two articles, from opposite ends of the globe. Julian Burnside is a Melbourne-based QC, heavily involved in refugee and human rights issues. He argues that civil liberties are being eroded in Australia and people of conscience must speak up now. Tony Bayfield is the head of the Movement for Reform Judaism in Britain. He suggests…

Sadly, the same Africa

After recently being informed by the establishment press that British PM Tony Blair is serious about repairing Africa and bringing hope and prosperity to the continent, historian Mark Curtis explains why Blair’s rhetoric simply doesn’t match his government’s actions. Until Western countries stop arming despotic African nations, as but one example, dirt-poor nations will understand…

Let the Chinese blog

An increasing number of Chinese are blogging and connecting with the world, despite the best efforts of their government to shut down dissent. Isaac Mao is one such blogger and he explains the ways citizens are fighting an authority that refuses to accept these emerging voices.

Hold the champagne

The Howard government has announced minor changes to its draconian refugee policy. “Too little, too late” says Western Australian refugee lobby group Project Safecom. They released the following statement this afternoon: “West Australian refugee group Project SafeCom, while welcoming the announced release of some long-term immigration detainees by the Immigration Minister, has called this ‘massive…


Mordechai Vanunu is a hero. After being imprisoned for 18 years by the Israeli state for divulging the Jewish state’s covert nuclear weapons program, he was released last year to much fanfare. I wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald in April 2004 that the world should salute a man who risked his freedom in the…

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