They are afraid of us

It is now more than two years since the illegal invasion of Iraq. During last weekend’s anti-war rally in Sydney, journalist and filmmaker John Pilger gave a powerful speech reminding the assembled masses of the following: ” What all of you should remember on this second anniversary of the brutal assault on Iraq is that…

The US lies…and allies should look elsewhere

This startling, yet wholly predictable MSNBC report, details the lies told by the Bush administration to allies regarding the nuclear capability of North Korea (bad government, says Bush), Pakistan (good, nice government, says Bush) and Libya (ok government, says Bush; or so we think.)

Global dimming

Our world is sick. Environmentally, although temperatures are rising, the earth’s surface is receiving less sunlight. It’s a mystery examined by the BBC.

The best documentary

“Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: US Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” is a wonderful example of how truthful filmmaking can be. It’s the finest documentary you’ll probably never see on free-to-air television. Dissecting the true agendas behind the Middle East media coverage and the reasons that Palestinians are rarely given a humanity, let alone…

The true Palestine

I recently travelled to the US, Lebanon, Israel, the occupied territories and Sri Lanka. I am writing a book for Melbourne University Publishing on the Israel/Palestine conflict and alternative viewpoints on this most misreported region. This photo was taken near Jerusalem, showing, to the left, a massive Jewish settlement block, continually being expanded. To the…

It’ll be journalism, but not as we know it

Just what is the condition of mainstream media in 2005? It’s a question addressed by in their State of the News Media annual survey. Their conclusions are illuminating and disturbing. First, the good news. Traditional journalism is dying, thankfully. When I talk of old-school journalism finally falling off its perch, I’m referring to the…

War is so last century

Today is the second anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq. After attending the anti-war rally in Sydney, attended by none other than recently freed Guantanamo Bay detainee, Mamdouh Habib, I was once again reminded of the words of Beirut-based journalist, Robert Fisk. Never one to shirk from speaking truth to power, Fisk had this…

What’s gone wrong?

A former Newsday journalist explains the decline of journalism in the US. I shudder to think of the Australian equivalent: ” What does it mean when even journalists consider comedian John [sic] – “This is a fake news show, People!” – Stewart one of the most reliable sources of “news”?”

The good old, friendly CIA

When the head of the CIA, Porter J. Goss, can’t guarantee that his agency hasn’t practised torture on “terrorist” suspects since 9/11, it looks like the cracks might be starting to show in the Bush administration. “We don’t do torture”, said Goss. Shame the evidence is now so overwhelming as to make his assertion virtually…

Love the Greg

Greg Palast is a journalist of the old school. Not content rehashing government press releases he’s an American virtually unknown in his home country. Instead, he appears in the UK on the BBC and The Observer. Balding, and with a tongue likely to lash the pliable and powerful, his best-selling heart-stopper, The Best Democracy Money…

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