Behind the tapestry

The ABC still screens the occasional program of note, unafraid to tackle the issues of the day:

“ABC Television will launch a reality program next year – and has pegged its relevance to Sydney’s recent race riots.

“Family Footsteps will be a four-part television series taking second and third generation Australians back to their ancestral roots.

“While the riots that swept across Sydney’s beaches have eased, December Films producer Tony Wright says Family Footsteps is very relevant to this generation.

“‘There is no denying Family Footsteps comes at a time when race relations in Australia is being tested,’ he said.

“‘A lack of understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural tapestry that makes up this country is, I believe, at the heart of the misunderstandings.’

Multiculturalism should be celebrated on the national broadcaster, in all its beauty, troubles and depth.
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