Category Audio

Talking #LeftTurn on Radio Adelaide

This morning I appeared on Radio Adelaide discussing the main issues in #LeftTurn: What are your thoughts on global warming? Serious concern? Doesnt exist? Or perhaps you maintain a blissful state of confusion? ”˜Left Turn: Political Essays for the New Left’ is a new book that offers passionate and challenging accounts from politicans, journalists and…

The Wire on Palestinian hunger-striker Mahmoud Sarsak

Growing numbers of Palestinians are going on hunger-strikes to protest their inhumane treatment and incarceration by Israel. I was interviewed by The Wire on one particular case, footballer Mahmoud Sarsak, and the struggle for Palestinian rights in general:

ABC Triple J Hack on Syria, social media and not trusting what we see

The conflict in Syria continues to worsen. I was interviewed on Wednesday’s ABC Triple J Hack program about the role of social media, especially related to the war zone: Children being placed on tanks and used as human shields, that’s happening in Syria according to the United Nations. With the viral nature of social media…

ABC Radio National interview on free speech and human rights

The last four days have involved extended time at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. There was the first public event for my forthcoming book with Jeff Sparrow, Left Turn. There wasn’t a spare seat in the house. They’ll be far more about this title in the next days and weeks, so stay tuned. The following day…

Radio Adelaide on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel 2012

I was interviewed this morning by Radio Adelaide… on the issue below and modern Zionist politics: The April/May period marks a very important time in the Jewish calendar – it is Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Hebrew, Yom HaShoah… directly translates to the ”˜day of calamity, devastation or ruin’; and since 1953, it is a…

ABC Radio National on beards, cider and extreme retro

Sometimes it’s time to talk about issues apart from politics (even for me). I was the guest on yesterday’s ABC Radio National’s Common Knowledge: What’s behind the… kooky ad campaign… featuring two delivery girls on a tandem bicycle and with golden plaits and the faces of bearded men? Who is it targeting and what is the surreal…

Do Neo-Nazis have the right to free speech in Australia? (hint: yes)

This morning I was interviewed on Radio Adelaide about the limits (if any) of free speech in Australia: It’s festival season, the Fringe, Adelaide Festival, WOMAD – and we’re all picking out which events we’ll go to – but what about the neo-Nazi aligned Hammered festival? It’s to be held in Queensland– unsurprisingly it will…

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