Category General

Going undercover as a cop

My book review in The Saturday Paper: In 2020, the murder of George Floyd by policeman Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis sparked a long overdue global reckoning with police violence and accountability. More than a year later, this debate is increasingly relevant. A recent study by the University of Washington, published in The Lancet, found that…

Twenty Years of the Afghan war

I’m excited to announce the launch of Twenty Years, a project more than two years in the making: Twenty Years is an artistic and journalistic project to assess the legacy of the post 9/11, US-led war in Afghanistan. Originally conceived in 2019 by journalist, author and film-maker Antony Loewenstein and artist Tia Kass alongside Afghans…

Al Jazeera English documentary, Under the Cover of Covid

This is our new film on Al Jazeera English for the People and Power documentary strand: a global investigation into the serious threats to civil liberties and free speech during Covid-19. Made with great UK film maker Dan Davies (of Black Leaf Films), we show how governments across the globe, focusing on Singapore, Israel, the UK and…

Investigating the War on Drugs: recommendations for the future

Here’s my keynote lecture at the 2021 Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I spoke around my 2019 book, “Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs“. The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference was hosted by the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, a non-government,…

The dark legacy of the post 9/11 Afghan war

This year is the 20th anniversary of the post 9/11 Afghan war. I was recently asked to speak at an event organised by the Institute of Modern Art in Brisbane, Australia. It was held during an exhibition of amazing Afghan/Australian artist Khadim Ali. In the Q&A, Khadim spoke along with a number of Afghans from…

Stop the rush to war (with China)

I’m happy to have signed this public letter to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to stop the rush to another war (ie. with China). The letter was written by Australians for War Powers Reform: With multiple military and defence commentators offering increasingly bleak assessments of the possibility of armed conflict, now is the time to…

The ongoing torture of Julian Assange

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is one step closer to being released after a UK judge found that he couldn’t be extradited to the US. Maybe. There’s still a long road ahead:   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Antony Loewenstein (@antloewenstein)

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