Category Video

Russia Today TV on Wikileaks

I was interviewed by the Russian satellite TV channel RT about Wikleaks this week. We talked about the significance of the leaks on democracy, the Australian government’s woeful response and the responsibility of journalists to step up and challenge establishment power. [video: src=””]

ABCTV News24 on Wikileaks cablegate

Following my analysis on ABC this week about the Wikileaks story (353 comments and counting) I was invited onto ABC TV News24’s The Drum on Thursday to discuss my criticism of the media’s coverage. Alongside ABC’s Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb and The Daily Telegraph’s Joe Hilderbrand (video here for two weeks) I argued that…

Speaking on ABC News24 about gay marriage, politics and refugees

I was again invited onto ABC TV News24’s The Drum last night (video here… and my previous appearance is here.) The guests were New South Wales Liberal politician Pru Goward and lobbyist Simon Banks. We discussed a range of issues including the imposition of a detention centre in a small South Australian town (and people wonder…

Al Jazeera’s Listening Post on Wikileaks Iraq documents

The Wikileaks Iraq files continue to cause robust discussion around the world. Al-Jazeera’s weekly media show, Listening Post, examined the impact of the latest revelations and how some journalists preferred to focus on the personal life of Julian Assange rather than the fact that the US had turned a blind eye to Iraqi torture and…

Back on ABC TV News24 talking Afghanistan, drugs policy and 9/11

I appeared again last night on ABC TV News 24 The Drum with former politician Kerry Chikarovski and ABC journalist Chris Uhlmann (previous appearances here). The show is available here. We discussed Australia’s role in Afghanistan and whether the country should maintain troops there. It appears that the US alliance and “national security” reasons are…

Talking on ABC TV about elections, Obama, Greens and trains

Last night I appeared on ABC TV’s News24 channel on The Drum panel alongside The Chaser’s Chas Licciardello and former Liberal leader Kerry Chikarovski (video here) We talked about the Australian election campaign and why personality politics is seemingly the name of the game. Policies are mostly secondary items (though there are exceptions). Even those…

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