Old man walking

Former Israeli Prime Minster, war criminal and Labor Party chairman, Shimon Peres, is leaving his old party and joining Ariel Sharon. “I held talks with him [Sharon] and I am convinced that he is determined to continue the peace process”, Peres said. “I was informed that he is open to creative ideas to attain peace and security. I have decided to support him in the elections and to cooperate with him in attaining these goals.”

Determined to continue the peace process? Uzi Benziman explains in Haaretz this vision for peace put forward by Sharon’s new party, Kadima:

“A draft of the Kadima party platform was made public on Monday. It comes to terms with the establishment of a Palestinian state that would be demilitarised and devoid of terror organizations, adherence to the road map – so long as that means the annexation of settlement blocs, ensuring the unity of Jerusalem, an absolute denial of the right of return and secure borders.”

No self-respecting Palestinian leader or people would or should accept such feeble conditions.

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