Pushing war with Iran

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is arguably Washington’s most powerful lobby group. The organisation holds extreme views on the Israel/Palestine conflict and has been a long-time opponent of negotiation with the Palestinians. Indeed, AIPAC’s public and private persona couldn’t be more different. Jeffrey Blankfort reported in 2003: “It [AIPAC] wanted to appear to…

Autocrat dressed up as democrat

Former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky has resigned from the Israeli cabinet due to his opposition to withdrawing Jewish settlers from Gaza and areas of the West Bank. “I consider the disengagement plan to be a tragic mistake that exacts a high price and also encourages terror,” Mr Sharansky told Israel Army Radio. The eccentric politician,…

The truth hurts

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz is a regular visitor to Australia, frequently interviewed in our media and prone to giving long-winded speeches on Israel. During a recent talk in Canada, Dershowitz claimed that Israel no longer tortured Palestinians, a fact he said was confirmed by speaking to the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI).…

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