News bytes

– “Liberals” used to overlook Israel’s crimes, argues writer Geoffrey Wheatcroft. Not any more. – The New York Times reveals a British memo detailing pre-Iraq war discussions between Blair and Bush. When Blair told the Australian Parliament today that “we need you“, an appropriate response would have been to deport the British Prime Minister and…

A milestone

Zionists constantly tell us that a “new anti-Semitism” is upon us and Jews are about to face a second Holocaust. Pure drivel, according to the new director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research in London: The situation of world Jewry is much better than Israel and the major Jewish organizations would like us to…

Not all tainted by the same brush

There is an ideological struggle occurring within Iran: Iran’s former reformist president Mohammad Khatami has described the Holocaust as a “historical reality” – a stinging attack on his controversial and revisionist successor Mahmud Ahmadinejad. “We should speak out if even a single Jew is killed. Don’t forget that one of the crimes of Hitler, Nazism…

Taking on the rabid

Back in 2002, cartoonist Michael Leunig submitted this cartoon to the Age newspaper but was rejected by then editor Michael Gawenda. I thought the work was provocative, and probably offensive to many Jews, but nonetheless an important perspective on the Israel/Palestine conflict. After all, international law condemns Israel’s brutal occupation. Leunig is currently embroiled in…

The games they play

As Australia’s most prominent and aggressive Zionist lobby, AIJAC feel that their important work is never done. Advocating war in Iraq, bombing Iran or praising the “great leader” Ariel Sharon, their loyalty is to Israel first and foremost and Australia’s national interests remain secondary at best. Perhaps my favourite AIJAC article was published in August…

Define power

The Zionist lobby likes to believe that anti-Semitism is just below the surface of anybody who dares criticise Israel. It’s a powerful argument, though palpably false. Few journalists or politicians wants to be tarred with the anti-Semitic brush, but then, how else to rationally debate Israel and its brutal occupation of nearly 40 years? AIJAC,…

Telling tales

Australia’s leading Zionist lobby, AIJAC, has been busy. In the latest edition of their monthly magazine, The Review, one writer claims there are “genocidal tendencies in Iraq and Gaza,” anti-Zionism is unquestionably always anti-Semitism, and the UN “is very much broken.” Such paranoia and victimhood would usually be the cause of a disadvantaged people, as…

Itching for a fight

Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) is Australia’s leading pro-Zionist lobby group. Executive Director Colin Rubenstein thinks the world should isolate and target Iran: “…Broad sanctions are warranted that will make nuclear progress as difficult as possible, thus delaying the Iranian bomb. “If this cannot be achieved, a limited US-led air strike on key components…

Same old story rehashed

Australian columnist, Glenn Milne, is never one to shirk a government or opposition leak. In fact, he’s best known for channelling Howard government propaganda as his own musings. Today, he writes of the ALP’s supposed antagonism towards Israel. Following recent comments by Labor backbencher Julia Irwin in federal Parliament, “an understandably furious Australian Jewish community…

War pimps and pigs at the trough

Condoleezza Rice was key speaker at the pro-Zionist American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIJAC) Annual Policy Conference on May 23: “Let me begin by saying that Israel has no greater friend and no stronger supporter than the United States of America. (Applause.) For over half a century, AIPAC has strengthened the religious, cultural and political…

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