Whatever you say, Martin

“Renowned” Middle East “expert” Dr Martin Kramer argues – thanks to AIJAC – that the West supports Israel because of a moral obligation and shared democratic values. This predictable, delusional and naive interpretation is as convincing as the US occupation of Iraq. Let him live in his delusions. Is this really the best Zionists can…

Careful, they might hear you

The following article appears in today’s Weekend Australian: Elisabeth Wynhausen asks whether opposition to the security policies of the government of the day in Israel is in danger of being attributed to anti-Semitism It can be hard to track the origins of information posted on the internet, but for those with the patience to follow…

Going after Jesus

Not content taking gullible Australian journalists to Israel, Zionist lobby AIJAC are now targeting Christian “people of promise”: One of the more bizarre and intriguing events in Australian Christian Jewish relations took place last month when the Australian, Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) took a group of church leaders on an all expenses tour…

The obedient, little Zionist

Ted Lapkin is Director of Policy Analysis for AIJAC, Australia’s more virulent Zionist lobby. Lapkin’s worldview is best described as militarist and he’s a strong believer in Israel as a victim in the heart of a dangerous Middle East. He’s as useful to the Zionist cause as Daniel Pipes. Dr Andrew Vincent is the director…

Israel lobby row continues

Following my recent article in the Australian newspaper about the role of the Israel lobby, and the response by Zionist lobbyist Colin Rubenstein, the Australian Jewish News (AJN) last week featured a round-up of the debate (not available online.) This week, the AJN publishes a number of letters criticising my work: UNACCEPTABLE Before the Shoah,…

Oz media wimps out on Middle East balance

The following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, blogger, journalist and author of the forthcoming My Israel Question (MUP), writes: There is one foreign affairs issue that remains virtually taboo in public debate. The close relationship between Israel and the US is almost universally avoided in the mainstream, Western press. When attempts…

The lobby challenged

Following my article in this week’s Australian about the Israel lobby, and the response by AIJAC executive director Colin Rubenstein, the newspaper publishes only one letter today about the controversy: Rubenstein misses targets Colin Rubenstein’s reply (“Israel seen as an asset”, Opinion, 19/4) to Antony Loewenstein’s article on the Israel lobby debate misses most of…

The Israel lobby: a response

My essay in yesterday’s Australian detailing the impact of the Israel lobby has drawn a response from Colin Rubenstein, executive director of Australia’s leading Zionist lobby, AIJAC: Colin Rubenstein: Israel seen as an asset No lobby is shutting down a debate about the Middle East In his opinion piece on this page yesterday, Antony Loewenstein…

Free speech demands open debate on ‘Israel lobby’

Following my article in yesterday’s Australian newspaper discussing the negative influence of the Israel lobby on US and Australian foreign policy, letter writers have responded today: Antony Loewenstein’s excellent piece (“Don’t let any lobby shut down debate“, Opinion, 18/4) on the political storm triggered in the US by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s study of…

Don’t let any lobby shut down debate

My following article appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Two distinguished US international relations specialists are being demonised for criticising Washington’s close relationship with Israel A recent academic study on the “Israel lobby” by political scientists John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government has caused a political…

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