Some reviews

The following review of My Israel Question appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on August 5: Missed chance to deal fairly with an intractable issue Reviewed by Philip Mendes Antony Loewenstein is a highly controversial figure in Australia’s Jewish community due to his aggressive public criticisms of the state of Israel. His reputation as a…

Ballad of the SHJ

The following appears in today’s edition of the Crikey newsletter: by Guy Rundle (for Antony Loewenstein): He was trucking down Carlisle St With a bagel in his hand Someone said to someone Who is that awful man? Him? Oh my dear I thought you knew That’s the neurotic, self-hating Jew He thinks it’s not impossible…

Unworthy attack

Generally speaking, Zionist criticism is about as effective as being slapped across the head with a wet lettuce leaf. Evidence for the prosecution.

Morality is a fluid concept

Israel has the “most moral army in the world“, says Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. How would he explain this? UPDATE: One of Australia’s Zionist leaders displays a nuanced understanding of the Middle East: The objective of Iran and Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas is to complete the genocide perpetrated by Hitler, to make the whole world…

His best effort

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey regarding the Zionist lobby, AIJAC functionary (and rug seller) Yosi Tal responds today: Crikey’s use of self-appointed truth revealer Antony Loewenstein shows how low Crikey has sunk. It has now joined the hysterical baying of the loony left, attempting to strip the Jewish community of its democratic right to…

Debate opens

Last night on ABC Lateline, there was a feature story about the role of the Zionist lobby in shaping US foreign policy, and a discussion of my forthcoming book, My Israel Question (read the transcript here.) I then debated AIJAC’s Ted Lapkin (read the transcript here.) It was an interesting experience. There are few opportunities…

The “dangers” of anti-Zionism

Ted Lapkin is the Director of Policy Analysis for AIJAC, Australia’s most insidious, Zionist lobby group. His job essentially involves defending Israeli war crimes, invasion, occupation and torture (evidence for the prosecution here.) In the current issue of the conservative (and government-funded) magazine, Quadrant, he attempts to analyse a handful of “anti-Zionist” academics in Australia,…

A moment of madness?

French football star Zinedine Zidane and the “war on terror”, a discussion. In (slightly) related news, the Iraqi government finally demands foreign troops take responsibility for their illegal actions: Iraq will ask the United Nations to end immunity from local law for U.S. troops, the government said on Monday, as the U.S. military named five…

The terror state

Gideon Levy outlines what the Jewish state has become: A black flag hangs over the “rolling” operation in Gaza. The more the operation “rolls,” the darker the flag becomes. The “summer rains” we are showering on Gaza are not only pointless, but are first and foremost blatantly illegitimate. It is not legitimate to cut off…

The real agenda

The following letter appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Elisabeth Wynhausen’s piece (“Careful, they might hear you“, Inquirer, 10-11/6) is rife with inaccuracies, contradictions and non sequiturs. For example, she provides evidence that the policy positions of the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council reflect the views of the majority of Australian Jewry. But then she expends…

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