The leaders don’t get it

Baruch Kimmerling, Haaretz, December 4: At any given moment, when the bloodletting between the Palestinians and us appears to be lulling, opening possibilities for a political agreement, the “choruses of intimidation” begin to sound about the “existential threat” to the state of Israel. These choruses can be divided into three main groups. First there are…

The “bias” line is getting tired

The Australian features yet another “investigation” into alleged anti-Israel bias at universities: This dispute over academic balance in relation to Israel has been simmering for years on Australian campuses but it is the war in Lebanon that has brought it to a flashpoint. It is a clash that raises raw and sensitive questions about the…

Inspiring Ehud

During his recent trip to Washington, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made the following statement: “We in the Middle East have followed the American policy in Iraq for a long time, and we are very much impressed and encouraged by the stability which the great operation of America in Iraq brought to the Middle East.…

Israel, the try-hard state

Following my article on Israel/Palestine in last Friday’s Age newspaper, two letter writers respond in today’s edition: Going in to bat for the terrorists ANTONY Loewenstein loses all credibility when he says that recent events in Beit Hanoun constitute a “massacre” and that the result has been “Hamas calling for revenge” with a “justified militancy”…

God says Iran must be bombed before tea

As if Iraq wasn’t going badly enough – the latest talk is a coup against the supposedly democratically elected government – rabid Zionists are urging Bush to strike Iran (and no, I’m not just talking about the Australian branch of the Zionist Party): Dear Mr. President, I am writing to you because I am afraid.…

The gift that keeps on giving

As a Jew writing about the Israel/Palestine conflict, it is clear that many fellow Jews are fundamentally opposed to robust debate on the Middle East. They simply look away, refusing to acknowledge the depths of depravity perpetuated by the Israelis in the occupied territories. A profound moral blind-spot suddenly appears, and Jews become insulated from…

Rightness has a middle name

While Israel talks tough against Iran (praying, hoping and knowing that the Bush administration is as demented and militarily clueless as themselves), former Australian ambassador to Israel, Ross Burns, demands a new approach to Middle East affairs. Speaking to the University of Western Australia’s Centre for Muslim States and Societies, he simply argues that one-sided…

Few steps required

An easy-to-follow guide for Jews looking to ditch their Zionist identity and discover a more rounded human-rights perspective: It’s going to be tough sticking it out with the Zionists, so what if you want to cut loose? What do you do if you want to parachute from the zeppelin of Zion but still maintain a…

Lobby looking for love in all the wrong places

With My Israel Question moving into its 2nd printing after less than one week on the shelves – and the Zionist lobby failing spectacularly to smear the book, my publisher and me personally – the CEO of Melbourne University Publishing responds in Crikey to the self-appointed gate-keepers of militant Judaism: Louise Adler, CEO & Publisher…

Room for all views

My following article appears in today’s Australian newspaper: The Israel lobby’s attempt to silence contrarian voices is counterproductive and undermines freedom of speech Truly free societies are defined by the limitations placed on free speech. What is permissible or illegal often determines the way we view subversive, extreme or outrageous opinions. The US is the…

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