One million Jews coming to the West Bank

Haaretz editor Aluf Benn on Israel’s determination towards indefinite apartheid: The third Netanyahu government has one clear goal: enlarging the… settlements… and achieving the vision of “a million Jews living in Judea and Samaria.” This magic number will thwart the division of the land and prevent once and for all the establishment of a Palestinian state. The…

New poll finds most Americans not keen on being droned to death

Satirist… Andy Borowitz has the exclusive results in the New Yorker: In a possible setback for the Administration’s controversial drone policy, a new poll conducted by the University of Minnesota shows that a broad majority of Americans are opposed to being killed by a drone strike on U.S. soil. The poll, which has a margin of…

Hating Arabs is Netanyahu’s gift to Israelis

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Benjamin Netanyahu’s children attacked an Arab cleaning man on the seaside promenade in Tel Aviv and caused him serious injuries. They attacked an Arab waiter in a Tel Aviv restaurant with chairs and their fists. They attacked an Arab from Upper Nazareth at the shore of Lake Kinneret because they heard…

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