Munich redux

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: “Steven Spielberg’s latest film, Munich, is a milestone in mainstream American culture. It tells the story of the 1972 Palestinian attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics but focuses more on the aftermath – and Israel’s response – than the massacre itself. Many prominent Jewish…


Steven Spielberg’s latest film is a milestone in American mainstream culture. The story of the 1972 Palestinian attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, the movie is less concerned about the massacre and focuses instead on the aftermath. Many prominent Jewish groups and Zionists have condemned the work, clearly a sign that Spielberg has…

Hamas rises

The victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections is, in the words of one Haaretz commentator, “one of the most important events in the history of the Middle East since the Six Day War.” The Palestinian people have spoken and elected a party that they believe will be a viable alternative to the endemically corrupt…

Your worst nightmare

While Iran continues to thumb its nose at the West – and announces a conference to question the authenticity of the Jewish Holocaust – leading Iranian blogger Hoder offers some words of advice to a worried world: “Dear US and EU leaders, “You can’t stop Iran from achieving nuclear weapons. You have not enough diplomatic…

News bytes 2

– BBC Online reports: “A Holocaust survivor’s support group has said 40% of survivors in Israel are living below the poverty line.” – John W. Dean, former counsel to President Nixon, claims George Bush has committed an impeachable offence. – Robert Fisk rightly argues that only justice, not bombs, can make the world a safer…

Taking on the bigots

An unfortunate, but perhaps understandable, situation: “Arab governments appeared reluctant Thursday to condemn Iran’s president for calling the Holocaust a ‘myth’ used by Europeans to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world. “While official Arab reaction in such cases is usually slower than international reaction, any issue involving a defence of…

Put a sock in it

Iran’s President ramps up the rhetoric. Again: “Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday expressed doubt that the Holocaust occurred and suggested Israel be moved to Europe. “‘Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces and they insist on it to the extent that if anyone proves something contrary…

Easy targets

Isi Leibler is a doyen of Australian Zionism. Currently residing in Israel, he contributes regular articles to the Jerusalem Post and is keen to talk up the possibility of a second Holocaust. His latest article, Poisonous Ravings, continues the grand tradition. His target? Norman Finkelstein: “Historically, self-hating Jews besmirching their kinsmen have ranged from apostates…

Democracy for all

Daniel Pipes, November 2005: “When it comes to spreading democracy, the Bush administration breaks no conceptual ground. Since its own war of independence, the United States has inspired others by its example, and its government has consciously promoted democracy since World War I. What is novel today is the interventionist quality of this policy and…

Accepting realities

Australia’s Muslim community is growing – and under ever-increasing scrutiny – and yet this is rarely reflected in the mainstream media. I can’t think of one regular Muslim commentator in the country. A shameful situation for a media elite that prefers white, privileged, Anglo, middle-age “experts.” Australian parochialism rages on. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is a weekly…

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