Nice try, but

Back in February, cartoonist Michael Leunig was caught in the middle of a hoax when one of his controversial cartoons was submitted to an Iranian newspaper competition seeking work about the Jewish Holocaust. In response to the competition, a group of Israelis started their own competition – open to Jews only – and called for…

Keep your mouth shut

Oh dear: Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl reportedly told Iranian businessmen in Germany that he agreed with statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Holocaust was a “myth”, the semi-official Jomhouri Islami reported on Monday. The government-owned daily wrote that at a dinner gala with Iranian hoteliers and entrepreneurs, Kohl said that he “heartily…

Not all tainted by the same brush

There is an ideological struggle occurring within Iran: Iran’s former reformist president Mohammad Khatami has described the Holocaust as a “historical reality” – a stinging attack on his controversial and revisionist successor Mahmud Ahmadinejad. “We should speak out if even a single Jew is killed. Don’t forget that one of the crimes of Hitler, Nazism…

Strange priorities

While the Bush administration acknowledges that key indicators of the Iraqi economy were better performing before the war and the British government pleads for the public to understand the “ethical” British army – note the Defence Secretary’s concern, and palpable anger, at having to deal with “human rights standards” – perhaps the most intriguing piece…

They said, he said

In light of the Iranian leadership’s views towards Jews and the Holocaust, a German Muslim group is hitting back: A Muslim cultural institute in Germany on Monday criticised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for disparaging the Holocaust, daring him to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp. “In this place of horror he can again deny the Holocaust,…

Picking a fight with the wrong side

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby – bully and Zionist apologist – believes that cartoonist Michael Leunig was being deliberately offensive to Jews when he supposedly compared Nazi Germany to present-day Israel. Writing to online magazine Crikey, Danby complains about anybody daring to defend Leunig against such charges: “I am writing to strongly disagree with Charles…

New image needed

Aluf Benn, Haaretz, February 16: “In 2006 an ideological alliance has emerged between liberal circles in Europe and the conservative, fire-breathing Iranian president. Both describe Zionism as a European effort to get rid of the hated Jews of the old world at the expense of the Palestinians; both accuse Israel of exploiting the European Holocaust…

Degrees of evil

Cartoonist Michael Leunig – yesterday defending his anti-war stance – has received further grief from Age letter writers: Leunig’s complaint Aside from the fact that it was falsely submitted on his behalf, it is hard to understand why Michael Leunig is so distressed that one of his cartoons that was rejected by The Age was…

Familiar shades

Back in mid 2005, Macquarie University law lecturer Andrew Fraser caused outrage when he called for a return of the White Australia policy and labelled blacks an inferior race. After the controversy over the publishing of cartoons allegedly offensive to Muslims, an Iranian newspaper is looking for entries depicting the Jewish Holocaust. A prominent Melbourne…

On the right side

Iranian Jews deserve support for their courageous stand: “Iran’s Jews have sharply criticized President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust, saying his remarks have sparked fears in their ancient but dwindling community. “Haroun Yashayaei, the head of Iran’s Jewish community, sent a letter of complaint to Ahmadinejad two weeks ago. “‘How is it possible to…

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