The dregs gather

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s ludicrous Holocaust conference gets under way (though not everybody is allowed to participate): Holocaust deniers and skeptics from around the world gathered at a government-sponsored conference here today to discuss their theories about whether six million Jews were indeed killed by the Nazis during World War II and whether gas chambers…

The gift that keeps on giving

As a Jew writing about the Israel/Palestine conflict, it is clear that many fellow Jews are fundamentally opposed to robust debate on the Middle East. They simply look away, refusing to acknowledge the depths of depravity perpetuated by the Israelis in the occupied territories. A profound moral blind-spot suddenly appears, and Jews become insulated from…

A man of war

When was the last time a former head of Mossad lectured in Perth? It’s a question that went through my head during Efraim Halevy’s speech last week in Perth at the University of Western Australia. Entitled ”˜Where do we go from here?’, the former spook spoke to an enthralled, predominantly 400-strong Jewish audience who seemed…

Good friend, better mate

US dissenter and historian Norman Finkelstein discusses Holocaust denial and the Jewish establishment’s attitude towards the phenomena: “Now, you take [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas. Abbas is an authentic Holocaust denier. He wrote his doctoral dissertation denying the Nazi Holocaust. He published it as a book in 1982. He said less than a million Jews were…

A real hatred

An Iranian exhibition displays virulent anti-Semitism: The title of the show is “Holocaust International Cartoon Contest,” or “Holocust,” as the show’s organizers spell the word in promotional material. But the content has little to do with the events of World War II and Nazi Germany. There is instead a drawing of a Jew with a…

Israel (can never) win this war of ideas

The following editorial appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Advocates for the Jewish state must use reason, not emotion…  The latest battles in the 60-year struggle in the Middle East seem to be going well for Israel. But the Israelis are also fighting on another front, one where victory is essential to their state’s survival –…

Careful, they might hear you

The following article appears in today’s Weekend Australian: Elisabeth Wynhausen asks whether opposition to the security policies of the government of the day in Israel is in danger of being attributed to anti-Semitism It can be hard to track the origins of information posted on the internet, but for those with the patience to follow…

News bytes

– George W. Bush gets cosy with yet another dictator and still finds time to share a laugh with the sycophantic White House press corps. – Norman Finkelstein tackles the “Israel lobby.” – An interesting perspective from Lebanese newspaper al-Hayat on the paranoia of Israel and the US. – What are “Australian values“? Should we…

Israel lobby row continues

Following my recent article in the Australian newspaper about the role of the Israel lobby, and the response by Zionist lobbyist Colin Rubenstein, the Australian Jewish News (AJN) last week featured a round-up of the debate (not available online.) This week, the AJN publishes a number of letters criticising my work: UNACCEPTABLE Before the Shoah,…

A grain of salt required

Iran’s President continues his troubling rhetoric against Israel: Days after announcing that Iran had successfully enriched uranium, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday called Israel a “rotten, dried tree” that will be annihilated by “one storm.” Opening of at the opening ceremony of the Qods (Jerusalem) conference in Tehran on supporting the Palestinians, Ahmadinejad fired…

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