A major step towards lifting the Israeli Taboo

It’s not without irony that Brandeis University, founded in 1948 as a nonsectarian university under the sponsorship of the American Jewish community, is fast becoming a beacon of enlightenment and open debate with regards to Israel and the Palestinian situation. In January, Jimmy Carter was invited to give a speech about his latest book, “Palestine…

The clueless Senator

When it comes to discussing Israel/Palestine, politicians the world over are notoriously reticent to speak the truth about facts on the ground. In Australia, the only Jewish Federal MP, Michael Danby, seems incapable of mounting an argument that is more sophisticated than repeating press releases from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Both major sides in politics…

Bibi losing the Midas touch

Binyamin Netanyahu has been tirelessly pounding the airwaves and talk circuits with dire warnings about the impending Holocaust facing Israel. Binyamin Netanyahu, speaking at the 4th Annual Jerusalem Conference Monday morning, repeated his call for the world to prove that now is not like the 1930s and that the world knows how to respond this…

Don’t believe the hype

The Los Angeles Times reports on Israel’s shrill rhetoric over Iran and the establishment’s insistence of discussing a second “Holocaust” (Iranians themselves are also worried, but for very different reasons.) Gabriel Kolko, leading historian and author, refutes the hype and argues that now is the time to stop the potential of further Middle East conflict:…

Bloggers of the world, unite

My following essay appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: The internet is revolutionising the way we get news and views. During the 2006 Lebanon war, Israelis connected with Lebanese through blogs, despite the Lebanese Government forbidding its citizens from contact with the Jewish state. An Israeli blogger told The Washington Post that thanks to the…

Priorities, priorities

When will Jews start to realise that the establishment of Israel was in fact against their interests? As for “never again“: The State of Israel was built on four foundations: the dream of the Zionist visionaries, the sweat of the pioneers, the courage of the fighters in the War of Independence and the pangs of…

School-yard politics

Lawyer and amateur historian Alan Dershowitz is clearly a scared man. The trajectory of his rhetoric is directly related to the misbehaviour of Israel. In other words, whenever Israel commits even greater crimes in the occupied territories, Dershowtiz can be relied upon to increase his hatred towards anybody who dares challenge the Jewish state’s actions.…

Nut-job central

Former KKK leader David Duke talks to CNN about Zionism, Israel and Iran’s Holocaust conference (but his “credibility”, if you can call it that, would be massively enhanced if he actually acknowledged the severity of the Holocaust):

Let the offensive out?

Holocaust denier David Irving may be odious but this decision is welcome: Thirteen months after being jailed in Austria for statements denying the Holocaust, the British historian David Irving was freed Wednesday by a court in Vienna, which ruled that he could serve the remainder of his prison sentence at home on probation. Noting that…

The truth is clear

Following Iran’s recent Holocaust conference, many in the Western media has chosen to portray all Iranians as tainted by the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad brush. This is patently untrue and debate within Iran proves this. The source of a perhaps unlikely rebuke of Ahmadinejad’s views on the Holocaust has emerged from former Palestinian militant Mahmoud Al-Safadi. He…

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