Besieged from the inside?

My latest article for New Matilda discusses the troubles ahead for Israel: Radical Zionists made gains under Ehud Olmert, but their actions are pushing Israel towards catastrophe. The new Prime Minister must stop the settlers, writes Antony Loewenstein In mid-September, during the dying days of his leadership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boldly stated that…

A debate lost in rhetoric

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies any hostility towards the Israeli people, only Zionists. It’s an interesting and important distinction that would have far greater significance if he also didn’t deny the Holocaust.

Weapons of mass instruction

My latest New Matilda column is about Israel after its 60th anniversary and features an exclusive interview with Palestinian-American Ali Abunimah: Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations are over. Hardline British Zionist commentator Melanie Phillips hopes that Israel or America will now bomb Iran. Israel complained to the UN about its use of the word “Nakba” to…

From one massacre to another

Once a rogue state, always a rogue state: The Central Intelligence Agency, backed by bodies including the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Defense Intelligence Agency, determined in August 1974 that Israel had nuclear “weapons in being,” a “small number” of which it “produced and stockpiled.” Israel was also suspected of providing…

Counting the costs

Like so many other self-declared democracies, the Jewish state exports death: Israel has passed Britain to become the world’s fourth largest exporter of weapons, Defense Ministry Director-General Pinchas Bucharis said yesterday. Israel had a total of $4 billion in defense exports in 2007, Bucharis said. The United States, Russia and France lead the world’s list…

Never again means nothing

Norman Finkelstein speaking at an Islamophobia conference in Istanbul, December: It might also be noted that the U.S. and Israel typically invoke the memory of the Nazi holocaust for the purpose not of averting the horrors of war but to justify inflicting them. Whenever the United States and Israel prepare to attack Muslims it is…

The Times gets it in one (for a change)

Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor of The New York Times Free speech is one of the founding principles of our republic. How can we deny him [Ahmadinejad] the right to speak simply because we don’t like what he has to say, or what he has already said? Isn’t that one of the biggest things that…

The Islamic Republic touches down in NY, NY

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia University was a fascinating insight into free speech in action (though one Haaretz commentator feared that Israel was the loser of his presentation, as if openly discussing Middle East issues…  threatens the poor, helpless Jewish state.) More on his talk here and here. The Zionist lobby worked itself…

Even Adolf should be heard

What a wonderful way to ruffle some feathers (and make an important political point): Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will arrive in New York Sunday, in order to participate in the United Nations General Assembly in the city. Aside from his anticipated speech at the general assembly on Tuesday, the Iranian president is also scheduled to…

Who exactly is the destabilising force in the Middle East?

George Bush gave one of his less coherent, but nonetheless more disturbing speeches this week, and virtually declared war on Iran. President Bush gave warning last night that Iran’s pursuit of the atomic bomb could lead to a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East, and promised to confront Tehran “before it is too late”. What…

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