The world already knows this little secret

Seumas Milne, The Guardian, April 23: What do the US, Canada, …­Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy and Israel have in common? They are all either European or European-settler states. And they all decided to boycott this week’s UN …­conference against racism in Geneva – even before Monday’s incendiary speech by the Iranian…

The Durban circus continues

The UN’s anti-racism conference continues in Geneva but it’s hard to see how this event will achieve anything other than an even greater split between the West and the rest. The Australian media has covered the event in a fairly predictable way (and only the public, through letter writing, has allowed the debate to flourish).…

When will anybody even acknowledge Palestinians?

Murdoch’s Australian editorialises today on the Durban II conference and predictably focuses on the rantings of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (rather than even acknowledging the issue of Palestinian suffering): Australia was right to have no part of Durban II Before its second conference on racism opened in Geneva, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged the UN’s reputation was…

Engagement is important

An interesting editorial in today’s Sydney Morning Herald on the Durban II conference (refreshingly challenging the Zionist lobby to stop whinging so much and chasing shadows): When the nearly 200 nations of the world get down to try to hammer out a common position on human rights, you can expect a fair amount of hypocrisy…

Some Jews like debate, while others, well…

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News: FORUM FOR DEBATE I WAS dismayed that The AJN publisher decided that his readership was not entitled to (or capable of) making up its own mind as to events it wishes to attend (AJN 13/03). The AJN, or any other newspaper, should be a forum…

How the lobby looks to the general public

What the hell is wrong with these Zionist leaders? Clearly the only acceptable visitors are card-carrying Zionists. It’s called engagement with opposing perspectives, people: Melbourne Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier is under fire from the Jewish community for hosting a function for former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami while he is in Melbourne this month. Jewish Community…

Let the UN take over?

Halewistan is an intriguing new blog by a “perennial student, Canadian national and global citizen.” The name? / ha / le / wi / from the semitic root of the author’s name, meaning join, connect for mutual benefit; alternatively, a wanderer, a consecrated person, ”˜adherent, client, devotee (of god)’ / stan / from Persian -stan…

Not all Jews agree with Israel’s Gaza action

My following article is published in today’s Brisbane Courier Mail: When one of the most powerful militaries in the world unleashes on the most densely populated area in the world, collateral carnage is inevitable. The… weeks into Israel’s onslaught against the Palestinians in Gaza, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told Newsweek the Jewish state was “not going…

How to look like you’re ethical

In my recent essay in Overland magazine, The Resource Wars, I argued, among many other things, that the Jewish state was allowed to commit war crimes by much of the West because of the Holocaust, the Zionist lobby and racism towards Arabs. In this week’s Australian Jewish News, regular columnist Michael Visontay, senior editor in…

Obama: new neo-con?

My latest New Matilda column is about the incoming Obama administration and its likely foreign policy: Will Obama resist Zionist pressure and reveal his progressive side on Israel? Writing from the US, Antony Loewenstein isn’t optimistic I’m currently in the US on a book tour and I’ve been struck by the ubiquitous belief that Obama…

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