How to ignore the mother of all issues

Just another example of an Israel critic being smeared as anti-Semitic, this time in the UK against author Ben White: I have come to know this latter strategy quite well. Based on short extracts, or even a single sentence, from two out of the 100 plus articles I’ve published, I have been accused of ”˜understanding…

This is one way to display anti-Zionism

Showing solidarity with Gaza and Hamas in a very distinct way: Representatives of the anti-Zionist, ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta sect paid a brief visit on Thursday to militantly anti-Israel Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. The group arrived in Gaza Wednesday night, marking the first time envoys from the tiny ultra-Orthodox sect have come to Gaza…

Where to now for Jewish America?

My latest column for New Matilda is about the American Jewish community and its inability to see the writing on the wall regarding Israel: In the US, moderate Jewish voices on the Middle East are gaining strength, but many American Jews are still reluctant to criticise Israel, writes Antony Loewenstein During the “Salute to Israel”…

Obama in Cairo

My following article was published today on the popular US website Mondoweiss: Back in 2005, then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave a rousing speech at Cairo’s American University. “For sixty years”, she argued, “my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East…

Salute to Israel 2009

My following report was published on Mondoweiss today: Last year I was told a story about a friend’s visit to Israel on the Birthright program. After visiting Auschwitz and waving the Israeli flag, his group were shown around Israel. One night they were in the Jordan Valley and as the sun was setting a guide…

Is our only role to kill supposed enemies?

Tony Karon, writing in Rootless Cosmopolitan, challenges the delusions of Benjamin Netanyahu and his chief American stenographer Jeffrey Goldberg: Netanyahu, and Goldberg, are products of an apocalyptic Jewish nationalism whose toxic effects are brilliantly critiqued by Avraham Burg who calls it “a fearful Judaism, a paranoid Zionism”. Burg makes clear in his book that evoking…

A Sydney paper starts opening its eyes

A senior journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald tells me that the relatively new editor is keen to show to the Zionist lobby that he can’t be intimidated. The last months have been an interesting ride. Hardly revolutionary but a noticeable shift. First an editorial in March telling Jews to accept wider views on the…

The Islamic Republic unpacked

Leading Iranian human rights activist, lawyer and Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi on the key issues facing the Islamic Republic: The most pressing issue facing Iran is the increasing levels of unemployment among the youth and also increased poverty in society, as well as a greater occurrence of cases of violation of human rights. For…

This won’t stop as long as Jews support it

Steve Walt, Foreign Policy, April 28: My question is this: What is Netanyahu thinking? Doesn’t he realize that time has nearly run out for the two-state solution, and that failure to achieve it is by far the most serious threat facing Israel? The prime minister and his allies keep harping about an “existential” threat from…

When is a hate-fest not a hate-fest

It is worth quoting in full the following statement by Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, at the end of the Durban II conference in Geneva: It was very difficult. I had to face a widespread, and highly organized campaign of disinformation. Many people, including Ministers with whom I spoke, told me…

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