Israel’s humanity in Haiti can’t hide its disregard for Gaza

Leading Jewish news agency JTA headlines a story like this: Israeli aid effort helps Haitians—and Israel’s image The article discusses the humanitarian work and adds: In a statement, the head of the delegation, Mati Goldstein, was quoted in an e-mail describing a “Shabbat from hell” in the earthquake-ravaged city. ZAKA is made up of Orthodox…

Cairo declaration: end Israeli apartheid

The Gaza Freedom March (GFM) is over but the following declaration, led by South African trade unionists, has been issued globally and is a clear plan for future actions. Although drafted by delegates from the GFM, its aim is far more ambitious. I encourage readers to read it, sign it and get involved. One of…

Jewish friends of radical settlers must stick together

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick dislikes anybody who doesn’t love everything about Israel (especially the settlers and the occupation). Her latest piece argues that a growing number of American Jews are allegedly turning against the Jewish state: Some of Israel’s most high-profile supporters in the US are conservative talk radio and television hosts like Rush…

Israel real peace threat

A revealing letter in today’s Melbourne Herald Sun, proving once again that public opinion towards Israel is far ahead of the political and media elite: Was there an elephant in the room at the recent meeting of the G20? So much time devoted to badgering Iran over its alleged nuclear ambitions and not a word…

Nazis are everywhere, especially under Israeli beds

Gideon Levy in Haaretz reminds us that Israel is very happy to cheapen the memory of the Holocaust when it suits their needs: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cheapened the memory of the Holocaust in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday. He did so twice. Once, when he brandished proof of the…

Ahmadinejad is a man with a serious dislike of Jews

Following Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent foul speech on “Jerusalem Day” about Jews, Israel and the Holocaust – he’s been welcomed to New York this week with Iranian protests -…  Juan Cole digs deeper into his words to reveal an even bleaker picture: For him to suggest, as he does here, that anti-Semitism was justified…

Ahmadinejad the Jew

An intriguing new report by Global Voices writer Hamid Tehrani on the myriad ways in which anti-Jewish sentiment is alive and well in the Islamic Republic: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Holocaust denier who, for many, is the living symbol of anti-Semitism, has recently become the target of an anti-Semitic attack. Mehdi Khazali, the son of…

Gaza in conflict

My following article appears in US magazine The Nation: Israel’s recent war against Gaza has been condemned by virtually every human rights group in the world. An Israeli NGO of combat soldiers called Breaking the Silence released a report in July, based on the testimony of veterans of the Gaza campaign, that found excessive violence…

When the lobby likes to tell lies

The following letter appeared in the Australian Jewish News on July 10: Last week a member of the Jewish community was slandered in the media but I’m not expecting Jamie Hyams’ “Media Week” column to point out the glaring unfairness of the description. Why? Because the person was the community’s enfant terrible, Antony Loewenstein. I…

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