US Zionist lobby head says Israel may just survive despite BDS

The fact that such a figure can create such hysteria about BDS shows how effective it has become. And why? Because Zionism is addicted to occupation and oppressing Palestinians. That’s rather hard to defend, if the facts are actually heard. From the Australian Jewish News (aka the Pro-Colonist Times): One of America’s most high-profile Jewish…

Castro tells Ahmadinejad to respect the Jews

Atlantic reporter Jeffrey Goldberg – a man fond of war, Israel and conflict with Iran – is invited to Havana to meet and converse with Fidel Castro. There is much to digest but this is especially interesting: He said the Iranian government should understand the consequences of theological anti-Semitism. “This went on for maybe two…

How an Israeli should back the World Cup

Tell me this is a piece of satire in the Jerusalem Post but I fear it is not: After the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup for the first time in 49 years in riveting fashion on Wednesday, and with the Lakers-Celtics series wrapping up soon in the NBA Finals, soccer’s World Cup tournament that…

Liberal Zionism debates what Judaism should be in the 21st century

I’m coming late to this essay but there’s a long piece in the New York Review of Books by Peter Beinart talking about the failure of American Jewish elites and the wider Zionist community to understand the real effects of blind backing for Israel. Arabs are openly loathed and yet liberal, American Jewry is walking…

10 tips to convince those virulent Israel haters

Rabbi Marvin Hier is the founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a leading Jewish organisation in the US. The document below is truly astounding, a hilariously clueless attempt to refute allegedly unfair claims against Israel and Jews. Black is white, the occupation is a charming day in the park and Israel just wants…

Watch the Zionist gate-keepers, Nick Clegg

Here’s how corporate and Zionist smearing works. British Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg is surging in the polls and this makes the old hacks, who can only imagine a two-party reality, nervous. Besides, anybody that dares challenge Israel and the US is clearly beyond the pale. For the record, Clegg is hardly some radical (for…

Jews for Goldstone

Encouragingly, a number of Rabbis have publicly come out and backed Richard Goldstone: Dear Judge Goldstone, As rabbis from diverse traditions and locations, we want to extend our warmest mazel tov to you as an elder in our community upon the bar mitzvah of your grandson. Bar and Bat Mitzvah is a call to conscience,…

Poor old Israel just can’t get a break, worries Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick loves everything about hardline Zionism. She couldn’t survive without constantly warning about the threats faced by Israel. Her latest article continues the familiar theme: the world hates Jews, we are alone and please can we bomb Iran soon? Since the Holocaust, old-style right-wing anti-Semites in Europe have had a hard…

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